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ID: 49147
Tenericutes bacterium GWE2_38_8

Lineage: Bacteria[37515]; Mycoplasmatota[415]; unclassified Mycoplasmatota[35]; Tenericutes bacterium GWE2_38_8[1]


Assembly level: Scaffold
Environment: OptimumTemperature: C
Assembly: GCA_001829995.1 ASM182999v1 scaffolds: 124 contigs: 556 N50: 4,335 L50: 92
BioProjects: PRJNA288027
Whole Genome Shotgun (WGS): INSDC: MICV00000000.1
Statistics: total length (Mb): 1.27649
 protein count: 879
 GC%: 37.3

Replicon Info

Type Name RefSeq INSDC Size (Mb) GC% Protein tRNA Gene Pseudogene

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