65 series
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Accession Title Series type(s) Organism(s) Samples GDS Supplementary Contact Release date
Remove filtersFilter Remove filterMethylation profiling by high throughput sequencing Remove filterRattus norvegicus Remove filterTXT
Gene expression and methylation profile for male SD Rats upon fructose and DHA treatment
  • Link icon Rattus norvegicus
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Xia Yang Jul 15, 2016
Dynamic DNA Methylation Regulates Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia
  • Methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing
  • Link icon Rattus norvegicus
21 David Figge Jun 16, 2016
Extra-coding RNAs regulate neuronal DNA methylation and long-term memory formation [MBD-seq]
  • Methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing
  • Link icon Rattus norvegicus
3 Jeremy Jason Day May 31, 2016
Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling reveals epigenetic changes in the rat nucleus accumbens associated with cross-generational effects of adolescent THC exposure
  • Methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing
  • Link icon Rattus norvegicus
32 Yasmin L Hurd Jun 19, 2015
Deep sequencing reveals increased DNA methylation in chronic rat epilepsy (MBD-seq)
  • Methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing
  • Link icon Rattus norvegicus
14 Assam El-Osta Sep 09, 2013