63 series
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Accession Title Series type(s) Organism(s) Samples GDS Supplementary Contact Release date
Remove filtersFilter Remove filterNon-coding RNA profiling by array Remove filterCaenorhabditis elegans
In Vivo Organ Regeneration via Stroma-Dependent Adult Lineage Reprogramming (miRNA)
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
12 Andrew H Sims Dec 31, 2021
In Vivo Organ Regeneration via Stroma-Dependent Adult Lineage Reprogramming
24 Andrew H Sims Dec 31, 2021
Expression data for LGG exposure to C. elegnas
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
2 Sangdon Ryu Dec 12, 2021
Microarray-based miRNA expression in fluid shear stress-stimulated collateral blood vessels
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
10 Kerstin Troidl Aug 31, 2020
poly(UG)-tailed RNAs in Genome Protection and Epigenetic Inheritance [ncRNA-Seq]
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
  • Link icon Caenorhabditis elegans
12 Aditi Shukla May 12, 2020
MicroRNA microarray of Haemonchus contortus lifecycle stages and gut tissue
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
17 Kyle Ryan Navel Nov 07, 2017
Role of the MicroRNA Machinery in Fasting-Induced Gene Expression Changes and Longevity in C. elegans (miRNA)
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
3 Eisuke Nishida Aug 30, 2017
Role of the MicroRNA Machinery in Fasting-Induced Gene Expression Changes and Longevity in C. elegans
11 Eisuke Nishida Aug 30, 2017
Synergistic effects of space radiation and microgravity (miRNA WT and dys-mutant)
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
  • Link icon Caenorhabditis elegans
8 Ying Gao Mar 01, 2017
Synergistic effects of space radiation and microgravity (miRNA WT and ced-1 mutant)
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
  • Link icon Caenorhabditis elegans
6 Ying Gao Mar 01, 2017
Synergistic effects of space radiation and microgravity
  • Link icon Caenorhabditis elegans
26 Ying Gao Mar 01, 2017
Small RNA profiling of Arabidopsis in response to fungal elicitors
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
12 Jose Luis Riechmann Dec 01, 2014
Differential expression of microRNA associated with photoperiod in Drosophila
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
4 Eran Tauber Jul 18, 2014
Microarray profiling, C elegans: Neuronal miRISC IP vs Total RNA
  • Link icon Caenorhabditis elegans
5 Minh Than Jan 01, 2014
RAW264.7 cells: RANKL vs Bone Metastasis Tumor Cell Condidtioned Media
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
7 Yong Wei Oct 14, 2013
miRNA expression changes in murine liver tumorigenesis
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
16 Andrei Goga Sep 01, 2013
Morphine induced sepsis is mediated by abrogation of endotoxin tolerance through modulation of miR-146a, but not miR-155.
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
6 Yan Zeng Aug 01, 2013
microRNA binding by wildtype Ago2 and mutant Ago2 in human cells
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
2 Yan Zeng Mar 01, 2013
miRNA expression during in vitro mouse T cell activation (D011.10+ CD4 T cells)
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
7 Andrea J Barczak Jan 27, 2013
MicroRNA profiling in primary and metastatic HCC cell lines using PLC8024 and MHCC97H derived cell lines
  • Non-coding RNA profiling by array
4 Wing Lung Simon Yau Jan 12, 2013