11 series
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Accession Title Series type(s) Organism(s) Samples GDS Supplementary Contact Release date
Remove filtersFilter Remove filterNotamacropus eugenii
Unique small RNA signatures uncovered in the tammar wallaby genome [small RNA_seq]
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8 James R Lindsay Jul 28, 2011
Tammar wallaby CENP-A ChIP-seq
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2 James R Lindsay Jul 28, 2011
Analysis of the Genome sequence of an Australian kangaroo, Macropus eugenii, provides insight into the evolution of mammalian reproduction and development.
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10 James R Lindsay Jul 31, 2011
Origins and functional evolution of Y chromosome gene repertoires across the class Mammalia
31 Diego Cortez Apr 15, 2014
Expression of milk miRNA during the lactation cycle of the marsupial tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)
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7 christophe lefevre Sep 11, 2015
Gene expression in the mammary gland of the tammar wallaby during the lactation cycle
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96 Christy Vander Jagt Nov 27, 2014
Transcriptome analysis of extracellular matrix (ECM)-induced changes in mammary epithelial cell gene expression
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4 christophe lefevre Oct 31, 2017
Transcriptome sequencing in the tammar wallaby unveils conserved gene expression networks underlying reproduction in therian mammals
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13 Michael Warren Guernsey Sep 14, 2017
3D genomics across the tree of life reveals condensin II as a determinant of architecture type
32 Olga Dudchenko Apr 23, 2021
Principles of 3D chromosome folding and evolutionary genome reshuffling in mammals
15 Lucía Alvarez-Gonzalez Dec 08, 2022
Mammalian Methylation Consortium
15043 Steve Horvath Aug 05, 2023