^SAMPLE=[required] !Sample_title = [required] !Sample_supplementary_file = [required; use the filename, or 'none'] !Sample_source_name = [required] !Sample_organism = [required] !Sample_characteristics = [required; 'Tag: Value' format] !Sample_biomaterial_provider = [optional] !Sample_treatment_protocol = [optional] !Sample_growth_protocol = [optional] !Sample_molecule = [required; allowed values are: total RNA, genomic DNA, polyA RNA, cytoplasmic RNA, nuclear RNA, protein, or other] !Sample_extract_protocol = [required] !Sample_label = [required] !Sample_label_protocol = [required] !Sample_hyb_protocol = [required] !Sample_scan_protocol = [required] !Sample_description = [required] !Sample_data_processing = [required] !Sample_platform_id = [required; provide accession of existing GEO Platform for array used, e.g. "GPL96"] #ID_REF = [required; this column should correspond to the ID column of the reference platform] #VALUE = [required; typically supplied as normalized signal intensities] #HEADER_3 = [optional] #HEADER_4 = [optional] #HEADER_N = [optional; any number of user-defined columns can be included, and it is recommended that data tables be as comprehensive as possible excepting annotations that are provided on the platform entry] !Sample_table_begin ID_REF VALUE HEADER_3 HEADER_4 HEADER_N ...insert data table here; columns may appear in any order after the ID_REF column... !Sample_table_end