^PLATFORM=[required] !Platform_title = [required] !Platform_technology = [required][VALUE=spotted DNA/cDNA, in situ oligonucleotide, spotted oligonucleotide, antibody, tissue, MPSS] !Platform_distribution = [required][VALUE=non-commercial, commercial, custom-commercial] !Platform_organism = [required] !Platform_manufacturer = [required] !Platform_manufacture_protocol = [required] !Platform_catalog_number = [optional] !Platform_support = [optional] !Platform_coating = [optional] !Platform_description = [optional] !Platform_web_link = [optional] !Platform_contributor = [optional; 1 per author; use 'firstname,lastname' or 'firstname,middleinitial,lastname'] !Platform_pubmed_id = [optional] #ID = [required; a unique id should be provided for each 'spot' on the array] #HEADER_2 = [required; all elements of the array should be identified using one or more columns in addition to the ID column] #HEADER_3 = [optional] #HEADER_N = [optional; provide as many headers as needed to fully describe the elements of the array] !Platform_table_begin ID HEADER_2 HEADER_3 HEADER_N ...insert data table here; columns may appear in any order after the ID column... !Platform_table_end