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Platform GPL2771 Query DataSets for GPL2771
Status Public on Dec 20, 2005
Title Proteins in mitochondrial, chromatin, and soluble fractions of Myc-induced apoptosis in Rat1 fibroblasts
Technology type MS
Distribution virtual
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Description Proteins identified in mitochondrial, chromatin, and soluble fractions of Rat1_Myc and Rat1_vector cells 12 hours after serum deprivation which induces apoptosis.
Contributor(s) Shiio Y
Submission date Aug 22, 2005
Last update date Dec 20, 2005
Contact name Yuzuru Shiio
Organization name UTHSCSA
Department CCRI
Street address 8403 Floyd Curl Dr.
City San Antonio
State/province TX
ZIP/Postal code 78229-3900
Country USA
Samples (3) GSM71476, GSM71477, GSM71478
Series (1)
GSE3159 ICAT quantitative proteomic analysis of Myc-induced apoptosis

Data table header descriptions
ID unique ID
ACC Protein annotation from NCBI rat/mouse/human protein database

Data table
GP:AB007892_1 AB007892_1
GP:AB011812_1 AB011812_1
GP:AB012922_1 AB012922_1
GP:AB013095_1 AB013095_1
GP:AB015616_1 AB015616_1
GP:AB015631_1 AB015631_1
GP:AB020694_1 AB020694_1
GP:AB025582_1 AB025582_1
GP:AB032965_1 AB032965_1
GP:AB035967_1 AB035967_1
GP:AB037822_1 AB037822_1
GP:AB041574_1 AB041574_1
GP:AB046811_1 AB046811_1
GP:AB053181_1 AB053181_1
GP:AB059301_1 AB059301_1
GP:AB065444_1 AB065444_1
GP:AB072381_1 AB072381_1
GP:AB082526_1 AB082526_1
GP:AB098597_1 AB098597_1
GP:AC007080_3 AC007080_3

Total number of rows: 1053

Table truncated, full table size 25 Kbytes.

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