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Platform GPL3733 Query DataSets for GPL3733
Status Public on Apr 30, 2007
Title HMC Human 29k Array
Technology type spotted oligonucleotide
Distribution non-commercial
Organism Homo sapiens
Manufacturer Human Microarray Centre
Manufacture protocol Biochem Biophys Res Comm 2006; 344: 1111-1120
Contributor(s) Thomassen M, Tan Q, Eiriksdottir F, Bak M, Cold S, Kruse TA
Submission date May 08, 2006
Last update date Apr 30, 2007
Contact name Mads Thomassen
Phone +4565412839
Fax +4565411911
Organization name Odense University Hospital
Department Clinical Genetics (KKA)
Street address Soender Boulevard 9
City Odense
ZIP/Postal code DK-5000
Country Denmark
Samples (60) GSM108111, GSM108112, GSM108113, GSM108114, GSM108115, GSM108117 
Series (1)
GSE4796 Prediction of metastasis from low-malignant breast cancer by gene expression profiling

Data table header descriptions
GENE_Symbol Gene symbol
GB_ACC GenBank accession number
UNIGENE Unigene cluster
COMPUGENE_ID targets desigend by Compugene have a unique number. Furthermore, the 70 gene signature reported by van't Veer is indicated
Gene Gene name
Function Gene ontology

Data table
1 GAPDH M33197 Hs.169476 CGEN_HUMCTRL_10001_1_303 Human glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA positive_control [positive_control]
2 RGS7 NM_002924 Hs.79348 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300001_0 Homo sapiens regulator of G-protein signalling 7 (RGS7), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
3 UNC13 NM_006377 Hs.155001 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300002_0 Homo sapiens unc-13-like (C. elegans) (UNC13), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
4 SCN10A NM_006514 Hs.250443 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300003_0 Homo sapiens sodium channel, voltage-gated, type X, alpha polypeptide (SCN10A), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
5 EPS8 NM_004447 Hs.2132 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300004_0 Homo sapiens epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8 (EPS8), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
6 FGF3 NM_005247 Hs.37092 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300005_0 Homo sapiens fibroblast growth factor 3 (murine mammary tumor virus integration site (v-int-2) oncogene homolog) (FGF3), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
7 TNFSF13B NM_006573 Hs.270737 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300006_0 Homo sapiens tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 13b (TNFSF13B), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
8 GML NM_002066 Hs.86161 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300007_0 Homo sapiens GPI anchored molecule like protein (GML), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
9 RAMP3 NM_005856 Hs.25691 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300008_0 Homo sapiens receptor (calcitonin) activity modifying protein 3 (RAMP3), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
10 FLNC NM_001458 Hs.58414 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300009_0 Homo sapiens filamin C, gamma (actin binding protein 280) (FLNC), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
11 IL17 NM_002190 Hs.41724 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300010_0 Homo sapiens interleukin 17 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase 8) (IL17), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
12 EREG NM_001432 Hs.115263 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300011_0 Homo sapiens epiregulin (EREG), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
13 ARHI NM_004675 Hs.194695 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300012_0 Homo sapiens ras homolog gene family, member I (ARHI), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
14 RIMS1 NM_014989 Hs.302136 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300013_0 Homo sapiens regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 1 (RIMS1), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
15 IL12RB2 NM_001559 Hs.73165 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300014_0 Homo sapiens interleukin 12 receptor, beta 2 (IL12RB2), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
16 SH3BP4 NM_014521 Hs.17667 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300015_0 Homo sapiens SH3-domain binding protein 4 (SH3BP4), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
17 CRB1 NM_012076 Hs.169745 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300016_0 Homo sapiens crumbs homolog 1 (Drosophila) (CRB1), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
18 BTG4 NM_017589 Hs.128180 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300017_0 Homo sapiens B-cell translocation gene 4 (BTG4), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
19 HCN4 NM_005477 Hs.225671 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300018_0 Homo sapiens hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 4 (HCN4), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]
20 GLRA1 NM_000171 Hs.121490 CGEN_HUMAN_LIB2_6010300019_0 Homo sapiens glycine receptor, alpha 1 (startle disease/hyperekplexia, stiff man syndrome) (GLRA1), mRNA. cellular process [0009987]

Total number of rows: 28931

Table truncated, full table size 4140 Kbytes.

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