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Platform GPL4725 Query DataSets for GPL4725
Status Public on Mar 31, 2007
Title PIQORTM Immunology Microarray, human S (626)
Technology type spotted DNA/cDNA
Distribution commercial
Organism Homo sapiens
Manufacturer Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Cologne, Germany
Manufacture protocol Defined 200-400 bp fragments of selected cDNAs were generated by RT-PCR, cloned and sequence-verified. Amplified and purified cDNA inserts were spotted in quadruplicate on PIQOR slides using a proprietary piezoelectric spotter. The PIQOR slides were coated in a 2 step process generating a surface which covalently binds DNA molecules.
Description The PIQOR Immunology Microarray is composed of 1076 mouse specific cDNAs. These cDNAs include for each array six house-keeping genes as positive controls. In addition four E. coli DNA fragments and the corresponding in vitro transcribed RNAs (spiking controls) provide a control for the labeling and hybridisation efficiency. Two negative controls are given by spotted herring sperm DNA and buffer, respectively. All features are spotted in quadruplicate.

The Platform data table reflects a condensed representation of the quadruplicate features.
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Contributor(s) Gerstmayer B, Bosio A
Submission date Jan 05, 2007
Last update date Mar 31, 2007
Contact name Frank Huebel
Fax +49 221 950 48 48
Organization name Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, MACS Molecular Business Unit
Department MACS Molecular 9
Street address Stoeckheimer Weg 1
State/province NRW
ZIP/Postal code 50829
Country Germany
Samples (45) GSM155108, GSM155109, GSM155110, GSM155111, GSM155112, GSM155113 
Series (1)
GSE6732 Sensitive expression profiling of T-cell subsets reveals parallel post-thymic differentiation for CD4+ and CD8+ lineages

Data table header descriptions
uniprot Uniprot accession number
GB_LIST RefSeq accession numbers
name Name
miltenyi_id cDNA identifier at Miltenyi Biotec GmbH
SPOT_ID spot identifier for features without a GB_LIST reference

Data table
ID uniprot GB_LIST name miltenyi_id SPOT_ID
1 Q96HE5, Q9UCT6, Q7RU01, P01584 NM_000576 IL1B 3
2 P60568, P01585, Q13169 NM_000586 IL2 5
3 P08700 NM_000588 IL3 7
4 P05113, Q13840 NM_000879 IL5 14
5 P13232 NM_000880 IL7 16
6 Q96RG6, Q9C077, P10145 NM_000584 IL8_HUMAN 18
7 P15248 NM_000590 IL9 20
8 P22301 NM_000572 IL10 22
9 P20809 NM_000641 IL11 24
10 Q96QZ1, P29459 NM_000882 IL12A 26
11 P29460 NM_002187 IL12B 28
12 P35225, O43644 NM_002188 IL13 30
13 Q8N2Y3, Q66K62, Q86T54, Q86T85, Q86T86, Q86Y86, Q86YW3, P40222 NM_175852 TXLN 32
14 Q14005, Q16435, Q9UP18 NM_172217, NM_004513 IL16 35
15 Q16552 NM_002190 IL17 37
16 Q14116, O75599 NM_001562 IL18 39
17 O43647, Q9P1Q2, Q9UIV3, P01375 NM_000594 TNF 41
18 P19438 NM_001065 TNFR1 43
19 P01579 NM_000619 IFNG 45
20 P62736 NM_001613 ACTA2 47

Total number of rows: 1078

Table truncated, full table size 51 Kbytes.

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