Defined 200-400 bp fragments of selected cDNAs were generated by RT-PCR, cloned and sequence-verified. Amplified and purified cDNA inserts were spotted in quadruplicate on PIQOR slides using a proprietary piezoelectric spotter. The PIQOR slides were coated in a 2 step process generating a surface which covalently binds DNA molecules.
The PIQOR Immunology Microarray is composed of 1076 mouse specific cDNAs. These cDNAs include for each array six house-keeping genes as positive controls. In addition four E. coli DNA fragments and the corresponding in vitro transcribed RNAs (spiking controls) provide a control for the labeling and hybridisation efficiency. Two negative controls are given by spotted herring sperm DNA and buffer, respectively. All features are spotted in quadruplicate.
The Platform data table reflects a condensed representation of the quadruplicate features.