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Platform GPL7062 Query DataSets for GPL7062
Status Public on Dec 01, 2008
Title IHM Listeria monocytogenes whole genome 12k array
Technology type spotted oligonucleotide
Distribution non-commercial
Organism Listeria monocytogenes
Manufacturer Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology, University of Wuerzburg
Manufacture protocol oligonucleotides purchased from Operon Biotechnologies, Inc.
1. Dissolve oligonucleotide probe or PCR product in the appropriate spotting solution to obtain the
recommended final probe concentration:
DNA Probes Final Spotting Concentration
Oligonucleotides 10 - 20 micromolar
PCR products 0.1 – 1 mg/ml
2. Transfer an appropriate volume of probes to a microtiter plate.
3. Set up the arrayer according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you were previously
using slides that were thicker than 1.0 mm, for optimal spotting you may need to re-calibrate
the distance between the slide surface and the spotting pins.
4. Print the substrates at 40-50% relative humidity at 20 to 25°C.
1. Incubate printed microarray slides in humidity chamber at room temperature for 30 min (see
appendix for details of how to prepare this chamber) to ensure quantitative immobilization.
2. Proceed to washing
The volume of washing solution should be at least 250 ml per 5 slides. Make sure that slides
do not dry out between washing steps, or between the washing and blocking step.
1. Wash slides to remove unbound probe molecules and buffer substances to avoid
interference with subsequent hybridization experiments.
a. Rinse 1 x 5 min in 0.1% Triton X-100 at room temperature.
b. Rinse 2 x 2 min in 1 mM HCl solution at room temperature.
c. Rinse 1 x 10 min in 100 mM KCl solution at room temperature.
d. <optional> Denaturation step for arrays spotted with PCR-probes: 1 x 3 min in
boiling diH2O.
e. Rinse 1 x 1 min in diH2O at room temperature.
2. Proceed to Blocking immediately.
1. Block the slides with Nexterion® Blocking Solution or alternatively with 50 mM
ethanolamine, 0.1% SDS (add freshly before use) in 0.1 M Tris, pH 9.0 as follows:
a. Incubate slides 1 x 15 min in 1x Nexterion® Blocking Solution at 50°C. The
volume of blocking solution should be at least 100 ml for 5 slides.
b. Rinse 1 x 1 min in diH2O at room temperature.
• Dry the Nexterion® Slide E in an oil-free air or nitrogen stream or by centrifugation
(200 x g for 5 min) to avoid any water stains on the slide surface.
• Proceed to hybridization.
1. Re-suspend the dried, labeled target to be applied to the array in Nexterion® Hyb. In
case the target is already dissolved in a different buffer or in water, the sample can
also be diluted in Nexterion Hyb to get at least 90% (v/v) buffer in the final
hybridization solution.
2. Denature the suspended target by heating at 95°C for 3 min in a heat block, perform
a quick spin in a microcentrifuge, then pipette the appropriate volume onto the array
surface of a blocked slide under the coverslip or inside a hybridization station.
1. Place the array into a slide rack and immerse in a dish containing 2x SSC and 0.2%
SDS. Wash in the above solution 1 x 10 min at room temperature.
2. Wash 1 x 10 min in 2x SSC.
3. Wash 1 x 10 min in 0.2x SSC at room temperature.
4. Dry the array in an oil free air or nitrogen stream or by centrifugation (200 x g for 5
min) to avoid water stains on the slide surface.
5. Protect the array from light, dust and abrasion of the array surface, until ready for
scanning. Ensure that the laser and filter set of the scanner is compatible with the
fluorescent labeling of the probe molecules.
Description Oligonucleotide sequence information may be found in GPL7062_sequence_oligos.txt linked below as a supplementary file.
Submission date Jul 17, 2008
Last update date Dec 01, 2008
Contact name Regina Stoll
Organization name Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie
Street address Biozentrum, Am Hubland
City Würzburg
ZIP/Postal code 97074
Country Germany
Samples (3) GSM305934, GSM305935, GSM305936
Series (2)
GSE12146 Listeria monocytogenes EGD and EGD-e
GSE12151 Modulation of PrfA activity in Listeria monocytogenes upon growth in different culture media

Data table header descriptions
ORF gene_ID; ORF# based on Listeria monocytogenes genome
column Column in the subarray
row Row in the subarray
block Subarray
annotation gene description

Data table
ID ORF column row block annotation
1 lmo0001 1 1 5 Chromosomal replication initiation protein DnaA
2 lmo0001 2 1 5 Chromosomal replication initiation protein DnaA
3 lmo0001 1 1 21 Chromosomal replication initiation protein DnaA
4 lmo0001 2 1 21 Chromosomal replication initiation protein DnaA
5 lmo0002 1 1 1 DNA polymerase III. beta chain
6 lmo0002 2 1 1 DNA polymerase III. beta chain
7 lmo0002 1 1 17 DNA polymerase III. beta chain
8 lmo0002 2 1 17 DNA polymerase III. beta chain
9 lmo0003 3 1 13 Unknown. conserved hypothetical protein
10 lmo0003 4 1 13 Unknown. conserved hypothetical protein
11 lmo0003 3 1 29 Unknown. conserved hypothetical protein
12 lmo0003 4 1 29 Unknown. conserved hypothetical protein
13 lmo0004 3 1 9 Unknown. similar to B. subtilis YaaA protein
14 lmo0004 4 1 9 Unknown. similar to B. subtilis YaaA protein
15 lmo0004 3 1 25 Unknown. similar to B. subtilis YaaA protein
16 lmo0004 4 1 25 Unknown. similar to B. subtilis YaaA protein
17 lmo0005 3 1 5 RecF protein
18 lmo0005 4 1 5 RecF protein
19 lmo0005 3 1 21 RecF protein
20 lmo0005 4 1 21 RecF protein

Total number of rows: 12180

Table truncated, full table size 770 Kbytes.

Download family Format
SOFT formatted family file(s) SOFTHelp
MINiML formatted family file(s) MINiMLHelp

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GPL7062_sequence_oligos.txt.gz 69.5 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT

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