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Platform GPL7189 Query DataSets for GPL7189
Status Public on Nov 20, 2008
Title University of Washington - Rathod Lab - Plasmodium falciparum - 7665 - v1.0
Technology type spotted oligonucleotide
Distribution non-commercial
Organism Plasmodium falciparum
Manufacturer Pradipsinh Rathod Lab; University of Washington
Manufacture protocol Microarrays contained 7665 70mer oligonucleotide probes representing 5150 Plasmodium falciparum ORFs kindly provided by Dr. Joseph DeRisi (University of California, San Francisco; San Francisco, California). The majority of the oligonucleotides for printing the array corresponded to the Qiagen Operon set (Operon Biotechnologies, Inc.; Huntsville, Alabama), but some additional sequences matched ORFs in the original P. falciparum sequence reads. The oligonucleotides were printed on polylysine-coated slides using a new generation, ultra fast, linear servo driven DeRisi microarrayer.
Support glass
Coating polysine
Contributor(s) Gonzales JM, Rathod PK, Ferdig MT
Citation(s) 18828674
Submission date Aug 20, 2008
Last update date Feb 19, 2009
Contact name Michael Ferdig
Phone (574)631-9973
Organization name University of Notre Dame
Department Biological Sciences
Lab Ferdig Lab
Street address 280 Galvin Life Science
City Notre Dame
State/province IN
ZIP/Postal code 46556
Country USA
Samples (36) GSM314445, GSM314446, GSM314447, GSM314448, GSM314449, GSM314450 
Series (1)
GSE12515 Gene expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) study using the HB3×Dd2 genetic cross progeny of P. falciparum

Data table header descriptions
PlasmoID Unique ID for genes whose sequences were used for oligonucleotide probe design as found in PlasmoDB (
Oligo ID oligonucleotide identifier

Data table
1 PFB0295w aB186_132 PFB0295w
2 PFB0295w aB186_838 PFB0295w
3 PFD0825c aD33539_74 PFD0825c
6 PFD0830w aD33539_76 PFD0830w
16 PFD0835c aD33539_83 PFD0835c
19 PF08_0095 aF18525_1 PF08_0095
21 PFE0630c aF20989_1 PFE0630c
24 PF08_0095 aF61158_1 PF08_0095
26 PFF0160c aF692_1 PFF0160c
30 PFD0825c aF70068_1 PFD0825c
31 PFI1470c aF8511_1 PFI1470c
32 PFI1020c aI16629_1 PFI1020c
36 PF10_0289 aJ151_11 PF10_0289
39 PF10_0225 aJ183_7 PF10_0225
42 PF10_0086 aJ22_5 PF10_0086
45 PF10_0121 aJ483_2 PF10_0121
48 PF10_0154 aJ53_46 PF10_0154
50 PF10_0123 aJ70_2 PF10_0123
53 PFL1720w aKn1058_1 PFL1720w
56 PFL1155w aKn1470_1 PFL1155w

Total number of rows: 7665

Table truncated, full table size 256 Kbytes.

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Supplementary data files not provided

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