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Platform GPL8793 Query DataSets for GPL8793
Status Public on Dec 05, 2009
Title CCDTM Homo sapiens 17.5k version 2.1
Technology type spotted DNA/cDNA
Distribution non-commercial
Organism Homo sapiens
Manufacturer NIH Clinical Center, Dept. of Transfusion Medicine, Immunogenetics Section (NIH/CC/DTM)
Manufacture protocol Microarrays are printed with GeneMachines robotic arrayer from Genomic Solutions ( that is fitted with a printhead containing 32 SMP2.5 printing pins from Telechem International ( The human cDNA probe set is based on RG_HsKG_031901 8k clone set and 9k clones from the RG_Hs_seq_ver_070700 40k clone set from Research Genetics ( The set includes 12,072 uniquely named genes, 875 duplicates of named genes and all remainder consisted of expression sequence tags (about 4053 EST). In addition, 194 selected cDNA clones from Stratgene and 218 custom designed 60mer oligo representing transcripts with immunological function were added to the probe set. The cDNA probes were amplified by PCR and distributed into 384-well polypropylene plates (Genetix, 384 micro array) and dissolved in 3XSSC print buffer at a concentration of 50-100 ug/ml. The microarray spot densities are 280 microns (center-to-center), and one spot is printed per probe per slide. The microarrays are printed on Fisher Premium microscope slides (cat# 12-544-1) coated with poly-L-lysine and post-processed according to the procedures on the NCI website
Support glass
Coating polylysine
Description Derived from GPL5959 07/01/09 - CCDTM Hs_CCDTM17.5k version 2
Submission date Jul 02, 2009
Last update date Jan 18, 2013
Contact name Francesco Maria Marincola
Phone 301-793-8210
Organization name Sidra Medical and Research Center
Street address Al Nasr Tower, AL Corniche Street, PO Box 26999
City Doha
ZIP/Postal code PO Box 26999
Country Qatar
Samples (18) GSM424551, GSM424552, GSM424553, GSM424554, GSM424555, GSM424556 
Series (1)
GSE16936 AMD3100 and G-CSF Mobilize Different CD34+ Cell Populations Based on Gene and miRNA Expression
Affiliated with GPL5959

Data table header descriptions
ID NIH mAdb well id plus replicate number
MADB_WELL_ID NIH mAdb plate-well identifier for clone sample
CLONE ID Clone identifier
GENE Gene Name
UNIGENE UniGene Identifier Build #Hs.219
DESCRIPTION Gene Description
GB_ACC GENBANK ID assigned by vendor

Data table
184053_1 184053 IMAGE:970271 ATP1A3 515427 CDNA FLJ59485 complete cds, highly similar to Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase alpha-3 chain (EC AA775957
184077_1 184077 IMAGE:454339 TPMT 444319 Thiopurine methyltransferase [human, T84 colon carcinoma cell, mRNA, 2742 nt] AA677257
184101_1 184101 IMAGE:1032431 BMP8A 472497 Bone morphogenetic protein 8a, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:149599 IMAGE:40116584) AA779480
184125_1 184125 IMAGE:549139 ARSD 528631 ARSD gene AA081038
184057_1 184057 IMAGE:120468 ERCC1 435981 Excision repair protein (ERCC1) T95367
184081_1 184081 IMAGE:502177 MYH11 460109 Smooth muscle myosin heavy chain SM1 mRNA, alternatively spliced AA128136
184105_1 184105 IMAGE:686081 PTPN7 402773 LPTPase=inducible lymphoid-specific, protein tyrosine phosphatase=protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 7 AA262196
184129_1 184129 IMAGE:626967 ALPI 37009 Intestinal alkaline phosphatase precursor, mRNA sequence AA190964
184061_1 184061 IMAGE:769542 P4HB 464336 Glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase (EC / ) AA425983
184085_1 184085 IMAGE:878259 PRDX1 180909 Proliferation-associated gene (pag) AA775803
184109_1 184109 IMAGE:826984 CR2 445757 CR2/CD21/C3d/Epstein-Barr virus receptor AA521362
184133_1 184133 IMAGE:50794 ZNF133 472221 CDNA, FLJ79285 complete cds, highly similar to Zinc finger protein 133 H17047
184437_1 184437 IMAGE:195712 CYP2C9 418127 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 9 R89491
184461_1 184461 IMAGE:813254 F2R 482562 Endothelial cell-derived thrombin receptor cDNA, 5' additional sequence AA456376
184485_1 184485 IMAGE:771258 CD8A 85258 CD8 alpha chain AA443649
184509_1 184509 EmptyWell EmptyWell --EmptyWell
184441_1 184441 IMAGE:810321 CARS 274873 CDNA FLJ59524 complete cds, highly similar to Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (EC AA464214
184465_1 184465 IMAGE:363058 CLCN4 495674 Chloride channel AA019413
184489_1 184489 IMAGE:66322 CD3G 2259 CD3 gamma T66800
184513_1 184513 IMAGE:178818 SHROOM2 567236 Shroom family member 2, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:176543 IMAGE:9021734) H49454

Total number of rows: 16783

Table truncated, full table size 1696 Kbytes.

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