Ambion miRChip V1array, manufactured by Affymetrix, offers the most content, with probes for verified Sanger miRNAs and more than 12,000 predicted miRNAs. Ambion array contains Sanger 9.0 content along with predicted miRNA seqeunces described in papers by: Cummins, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103(10):3687-92, 2006); Xie, Nature 434(7031):338-45, 2005); Berezikov, Cell 120(1):21-4, 2005) and Bentwich, Nat Genet. 2005 Jul;37(7):766-70. The probes are up to 25 mers depending on the mature/putative miRNA length. This array is offered exclusively through Asuragen under the DiscovArray miRNA profiling service. For more information go to