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Series GSE122171 Query DataSets for GSE122171
Status Public on Nov 05, 2023
Title Transcriptomic analysis of SLAN+ vs SLAN- non-classical monocytes
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Monocytes can be classified into four different subsets: classic, intermediate and SLAN- and SLAN+ non-classical monocytes. SLAN+ monocytes are significantly reduced in MM patients compare to the frequency found in healthy adults (HA). Thus, we sought to analyze the transcriptome of SLAN- and SLAN+ cells to unveil the differences among both populations
We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying the differences among both cell subsets
We developed a 12-color combination of mAbs to evaluate the contribution of each individual marker for identifying and subsetting BM TAMs in patients with MM (N = 5): CD36-UV405, CD16-UV525, CD163-BV450, CD45-BV525, CD206-BV610, CD86-BV660, CD62L-BV763, cyCD68-FITC, SLAN-PE, HLADR-PerCPCy5.5, CD300e-APC, CD14-APCH7. This panel allowed us to identify the aforementioned four monocyte subsets. Intermediate and non-classical monocytes from healthy donors were FACS sorted based on the 7-color mAb combination - HLADR-PacB, CD45-OC515, CD36-FITC, SLAN-PE, CD16-PECy7, CD300e-APC, CD14APCH7 -
Overall design Gene expression data from CD36+ SLAN- monocytes, CD36- SLAN- monocytes, and CD36- SLAN+ monocytes.
Contributor(s) Zabaleta A, Paiva B
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Submission date Nov 05, 2018
Last update date Nov 05, 2023
Contact name Aintzane Zabaleta
Street address Avda. Pío XII 55
City Pamplona
State/province Navarra
ZIP/Postal code 31008
Country Spain
Platforms (1)
GPL16686 [HuGene-2_0-st] Affymetrix Human Gene 2.0 ST Array [transcript (gene) version]
Samples (9)
GSM3457230 E7_1
GSM3457231 E8_1
GSM3457232 E9_1
BioProject PRJNA503867

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GSE122171_RAW.tar 73.2 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)
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