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Series GSE12361 Query DataSets for GSE12361
Status Public on Nov 04, 2008
Title Genome-wide analysis of H3K79 dimethylation in normal and MLL-AF4 leukemic pre-B cells
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by genome tiling array
Summary We created a mouse model where conditional expression of physiologic levels of an Mll-AF4 fusion oncogene induces development of acute lymphoblastic (ALL) or acute myeloid leukemias (AML). ChIP-chip analysis demonstrated increased histone H3 Lysine 79 (H3K79) dimethylation that correlated with Mll-AF4 associated gene expression profiles in murine ALLs, and in human MLL-rearranged leukemias. In addition, human MLL-rearranged ALLs can be distinguished from other ALLs by their genome-wide H3K79 methylation profiles.

Keywords: Cell type comparison
Overall design DNA was immunoprecipitated with anti-dimethyl-H3K79 antibodies from purified marrow preB cells of normal mice or animals made leukemic by activation of an MLL-AF4 fusion. The ChIP DNA was then hybridized to Affymetrix promoter tiling microarrays.
Contributor(s) Lemieux ME
Citation(s) 18977325
Submission date Aug 06, 2008
Last update date Oct 14, 2014
Contact name Madeleine E. Lemieux
Phone 617-595-6695
Organization name Bioinfo
Street address 275 Main St., Suite 252
City Plantagenet
State/province ON
ZIP/Postal code K0B 1L0
Country Canada
Platforms (1)
GPL5811 [Mm_PromPR] Affymetrix Mouse Promoter 1.0R Array
Samples (2)
GSM310416 Normal_preB_H3K79 (3 samples)
GSM310417 MLLAF4_preB_H3K79 (3 samples)
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE12363 H3K79 methylation profiles define murine and human MLL-AF4 leukemias
BioProject PRJNA114199

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE12361_Mm_PromPR_v02-1_NCBIv36.NR.bpmap 138.3 Mb (ftp)(http) BPMAP
GSE12361_RAW.tar 160.7 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of BAR, BED, CEL)
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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