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Series GSE137297 Query DataSets for GSE137297
Status Public on Feb 24, 2020
Title p53-bound enhancer elements require locally acting transcription factors
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Using a massively parallel reporter assay (MPRA), we examined the effect of local sequence context on p53-dependent enhancer activity.
Overall design 296 putative p53-bound enhancer elements were selected from the hg19 genome assembly and were systematically randomized in 20bp sections from the 5' end. This allowed the investigation into the requirement for local sequence context and transcription factor motifs in the activity of p53 at enhancers.
Contributor(s) Sammons MA, Catizone AN
Citation(s) 32133495
NIH grant(s)
Grant ID Grant title Affiliation Name
R15 GM128049 Molecular mechanisms regulating the establishment of cis-regulatory elements by the transcription factor p63 UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY, SUNY Morgan Andrew Sammons
Submission date Sep 11, 2019
Last update date Aug 07, 2020
Contact name Morgan A Sammons
Organization name University at Albany - SUNY
Department Biological Sciences
Lab Sammons
Street address 1400 Washington Ave, Life Sciences 2075
City Albany
State/province NY
ZIP/Postal code 12222
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL18573 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (42)
GSM4074875 ATF3-null DMSO Replicate 1 RNAseq
GSM4074876 ATF3-null DMSO Replicate 2 RNAseq
GSM4074877 ATF3-null DMSO Replicate 3 RNAseq
BioProject PRJNA565047
SRA SRP221405

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GSE137297_RAW.tar 75.7 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of BEDGRAPH, TXT)
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