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Series GSE138422 Query DataSets for GSE138422
Status Public on Aug 24, 2020
Title Analysis of HIV-1 transcriptome in different cell models with nanopore sequencing [HIVTA_A2017]
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary To explore in depth and in a quantitative manner the complexity of the HIV-1 splicing landscape we used nanopore long-read cDNA (ONT) sequencing in NL4-3 HIV-1 infected primary CD4+ T cells and transfected/infected HeLa cells. Mean read lengths were between 1286 and 2626 nucleotides with maximum sizes of up to 9182 nucleotides, sufficiently long to span all possible splice junctions and to be assigned to a total of 229 exon combinations. Seventy isoforms were above the threshold of 5 copies in infected T cells and a core of 36 isoforms were found in common in infected T cells, infected HeLa cells and transfected HeLa cells. Quantification of both all viral isoforms as well as splice site (SS) usage were compiled to build “splice trees”, a quantitative representation of the splicing pathways leading to the different viral isoforms.  This approach allowed visualizing the complete rewiring of SS usages upon perturbation of SS D2, using over-expression of U1 D2UpEx snRNA in transfected HeLa cells and its impact on viral RNA expression. Furthermore, we produced the first dynamic picture of the cascade of events occuring between 12 and 24 hours of CD4+ T cells HIV-1 infection. In particular, our data highlighted the importance of non-coding exons in viral RNA transcriptome regulation. Altogether, our results show that ONT sequencing allows one to grasp the dynamic of splicing events modulating the viral RNA landscape in infected cells.
Overall design To assess the ability of ONT sequencing to compare the viral transcriptome in different HIV-1 expressing models, total RNA was extracted from 2 samples of non-infected HeLa cells, 2 samples of HeLa cells infected with VSVg pseudotyped NL4-3 HIV-1 (24h post-infection) and 2 samples of HeLa cells transfected with pNL4-3 (24h post-transfection).
Contributor(s) Quang NN, Goudey S, Ségéral E, Mohammad A, Lemoine S, Blugeon C, Versapuech M, Paillart J, Berlioz-Torrent C, Emiliani S, Gallois-Montbrun S
Citation(s) 32807178
BioProject PRJNA511009
Submission date Oct 04, 2019
Last update date Aug 24, 2020
Contact name Stephane Le Crom
Organization name IBENS
Department Genomic Core Facility
Street address 46 rue Ulm
ZIP/Postal code 75230
Country France
Platforms (1)
GPL24106 MinION (Homo sapiens)
Samples (6)
GSM4107812 non infected HeLa cells replicate 2
GSM4107813 infected HeLa cells with pNL4.3 replicate 2
GSM4107814 non infected HeLa cells replicate 1
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE138425 Analysis of HIV-1 transcriptome in different cell models with nanopore sequencing
SRA SRP174092

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GSE138422_190930_Annotation_AF324493.bed.gz 3.2 Kb (ftp)(http) BED
GSE138422_RAW.tar 20.0 Kb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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