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Series GSE146251 Query DataSets for GSE146251
Status Public on Mar 03, 2020
Title Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in phenotypically degenerated Metarhizium robertsii
Organism Metarhizium robertsii ARSEF 2575
Experiment type Methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary A spontaneously phenotypically degenerated strain of M. robertsii strain ARSEF 2575 (M. robertsii lc2575; lc = low conidiation) showed a reduction in conidiation and fungal virulence after successive subculturing on artificial medium. However, the conidial production and fungal virulence of a phenotypically degenerated M. robertsii were recovered by serially passaging through a plant host. The DNA methylation level of phenotypically degenerated Metarhizium robertsii M. robertsii lc2575 and this fungi after solider bean passages were tested through the whole genome bisulfite sequencing. The results showed that approximately 0.379 % of cytosines are methylated in the fungi after bean passages, almost the same as the DNA methylation level in M. robertsii lc2575 (0.375%). The distribution of different methylated regions located more on intergenic regions of fungi after bean passages than M. robertsii lc2575. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis and KEGG analysis of DMR-associated genes revealed that amino acid, carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism.
Overall design Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in phenotypically degenerated Metarhizium robertsii and fungi after solider bean passages
Contributor(s) Hu S, Bidochka MJ
Citation(s) 32318770
Submission date Mar 02, 2020
Last update date Jun 04, 2020
Contact name Shasha Hu
Organization name Brock University
Department Biological department
Street address 1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way
State/province Ontario
ZIP/Postal code L2S 3A1
Country Canada
Platforms (1)
GPL28209 HiSeq X Ten (Metarhizium robertsii ARSEF 2575)
Samples (2)
GSM4368931 Mr lc-2575
GSM4368932 BR
BioProject PRJNA609766
SRA SRP251306

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GSE146251_PROCESSED_DATA_FILES.pdf 581.3 Kb (ftp)(http) PDF
GSE146251_RAW.tar 327.0 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of BEDGRAPH)
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