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Series GSE156588 Query DataSets for GSE156588
Status Public on Dec 04, 2020
Title Capture of mouse and human stem cells with features of formative pluripotency [scRNA-seq]
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Pluripotent cells emerge as a naïve founder population in the blastocyst, acquire capacity for germline and soma formation, and then undergo lineage priming. Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) respectively represent the initial naïve and final primed phases of pluripotency. Here we investigated the intermediate formative stage. Using minimal exposure to specification cues, we derived stem cells from formative mouse epiblast. Unlike ES cells or EpiSCs, formative stem (FS) cells responded directly to germ cell induction. They colonised somatic tissues and germline in chimaeras. Whole transcriptome analyses showed similarity to pre-gastrulation formative epiblast. Signal responsiveness and chromatin accessibility features reflect lineage capacitation. Furthermore, FS cells showed distinct transcription factor dependencies, relying critically on Otx2. Finally, FS cell culture conditions applied to human naïve cells or embryos supported expansion of similar stem cells, consistent with a conserved staging post on the trajectory of mammalian pluripotency.

This submission is scRNA-seq.
Overall design Single-cell RNA sequencing to identify homogeneity of FS cells in culture.
Contributor(s) Kinoshita M, Stirparo GG, Shahsavari A, Mohorianu I, Smith AG
Citation(s) 33271069
Submission date Aug 20, 2020
Last update date Dec 04, 2020
Contact name Irina Mohorianu
Organization name University of Cambridge
Department Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
Street address Puddicombe Way
City Cambridge
ZIP/Postal code CB2 0AW
Country United Kingdom
Platforms (1)
GPL21103 Illumina HiSeq 4000 (Mus musculus)
Samples (384)
GSM4734094 5ar1.1
GSM4734095 5ar1.2
GSM4734096 5ar1.3
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE156589 Capture of mouse and human stem cells with features of formative pluripotency
BioProject PRJNA658382
SRA SRP278287

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GSE156588_normalized.csv.gz 5.8 Mb (ftp)(http) CSV
GSE156588_raw.csv.gz 6.8 Mb (ftp)(http) CSV
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