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Series GSE160411 Query DataSets for GSE160411
Status Public on Sep 10, 2023
Title Linker histones mediate sequence-specific regulation of chromosomal organization and H3K27me3 enrichment over genes and telomeric repeats (ChIP-Seq)
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Experiment type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Chromatin architecture relies on histone H1 whose central globular domain (GH1) sits on the nucleosome dyad and carboxy-terminal domain associates with linker DNA. We report that Arabidopsis H1 positively influences H3K27me3 chromatin enrichment over protein-coding genes but oppositely prevents its accumulation on telomeres and heterochromatic Interstitial Telomeric Repeats (ITRs). Contrasting with their neighboring heterochromatic environment, pericentromeric ITR regions remain highly compacted and are more prone to long-distance interactions with telomeres in H1 mutant plants. The switch from H1-rich to H3K27me3-rich ITR chromatin is further accompanied by an invasion of GH1-Myb Telomeric Repeat Binding protein 1 (TRB1), a structural component of telomeres capable to trigger H3K27me3 deposition over protein-coding genes displaying short telomeric motifs. This dual effect led us to propose a competition mechanism between H1 and TRB that prevents massive H3K27me3 deposition over large blocks of repeated motifs, thereby contributing to regulate H3K27me3 homeostasis over the genome.
Overall design Examination of H1 and H3 occupancy in WT and 2h1 plants using chromatin immunoprecitation (ChIP-seq)
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Contributor(s) Bourbousse C, Concia L, Wolff L, Barneche F
Citation(s) 37515769
Submission date Oct 29, 2020
Last update date Sep 12, 2023
Contact name Fredy BARNECHE
Organization name CNRS
Department IBENS
Street address Rue d'Ulm
City Paris
ZIP/Postal code 75005
Country France
Platforms (1)
GPL19580 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Arabidopsis thaliana)
Samples (6)
GSM4873051 input_H1.2-GFP_rep1
GSM4873052 input_H1.2-GFP_rep2
GSM4873053 IP_H1.2-GFP_rep1
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE160414 Linker histones mediate sequence-specific regulation of chromosomal organization and H3K27me3 enrichment over genes and telomeric repeats
BioProject PRJNA673307
SRA SRP290291

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GSE160411_RAW.tar 47.1 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of BIGWIG)
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