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Series GSE166065 Query DataSets for GSE166065
Status Public on Feb 04, 2021
Title CD62L expression level determines the cell fate of myeloid progenitors in mice and humans
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Through gene expression analysis of CMPs and GMPs at single cell levels, we identified CD62L as a marker to reveal the heterogeneity of CMPs and GMPs. We confirmed that the CD62L-low CMPs represent ‘bona fide’ CMPs, whereas CD62L-high CMPs are mostly restricted to GMP potentials both in mice and humans. In addition, we identified CD62L-neg GMPs as the most immature subsets in GMPs and Ly6c+CD62L-low and Ly6c+CD62L-high GMPs are skewed to neutrophil and monocyte differentiation, respectively. We performed gene expression profiling of CD62L-low CMPs, CD62L-high CMPs, CD62L-neg GMPs, CD62L-low GMPs, CD62L-high GMPs, bulk CMPs, and bulk GMPs.
Overall design Gene expression profiling of CD62L-low CMPs, CD62L-high CMPs, CD62L-neg GMPs, CD62L-low GMPs, CD62L-high GMPs, bulk CMPs, and bulk GMPs
Contributor(s) Ito Y
Citation(s) 34798065
Submission date Feb 03, 2021
Last update date Apr 17, 2023
Contact name Yusuke Ito
Phone +81333531211
Organization name Keio University
Department Division of Tumor Immunology
Street address 35 Shinanomachi
City Shinjuku-ku
State/province Tokyo
ZIP/Postal code 1608582
Country Japan
Platforms (1)
GPL21273 HiSeq X Ten (Mus musculus)
Samples (21)
GSM5061093 bulk CMP rep-1
GSM5061094 bulk CMP rep-2
GSM5061095 bulk CMP rep-3
BioProject PRJNA699169
SRA SRP304498

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GSE166065_read-count.txt.gz 730.1 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
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