Original Data from GPR file |
Original Data from GPR file |
Original Data from GPR file |
Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data |
Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data |
Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data |
Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data |
Determine median of background 635 and 532 and separate data into upper and lower halves |
Determine median of background 635 and 532 and separate data into upper and lower halves |
Determine the median of the lower half (=25th percentile) and upper half (=75th percentile) and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentile) |
Correcting background (keep background between upper and lower IQR |
Final background (if Cbackground is blank in one eliminate in the other to be consistent) |
"Calculate Background average from final background, standard deviation and threshold (mean +2SD)" |
"Elimination of 635 value if below threshold, replacement of 532 value with threshold if below threshold" |
Calculation of correction value to adjust each array. Average of normalized data points (532/635) |
Division of correction value (AM) from each 532/635 ratio (AJ) |