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Series GSE1895 Query DataSets for GSE1895
Status Public on Apr 06, 2005
Title M1 and M6 serotypes, Wild-type vs. Mga- GAS
Organism Streptococcus pyogenes
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary JRS4 is our wild-type M6 serotype GAS and JRS519 is our Mga- M6 serotype GAS. SF370 is our wild-type M1 serotype GAS and KSM165L is our Mga- M1 serotype GAS.

Table 1: Genomic Normalization
Description: Step by Step instructions for the removal of outlier
background data and any ORF data that did not meet threshold of 2SD
above background average, using original data from gpr file provided in
each of the sample files.

Table 2: M1 Mga+ vs Mga-
Description: Step by Step instructions for the removal of outlier data
as compared across all possible data points for each ORF. Data points
after genomic normalization are used with resultant averages and
standard deviations for each ORF computed.

Table 3: M6 Mga+ vs Mga-
Description: Step by Step instructions for the removal of outlier data
as compared across all possible data points for each ORF. Data points
after genomic normalization are used with resultant averages and
standard deviations for each ORF computed.
Keywords: repeat sample
Contributor(s) Ribardo DA, McIver KS
Citation missing Has this study been published? Please login to update or notify GEO.
Submission date Oct 27, 2004
Last update date Sep 03, 2014
Contact name Kevin S McIver
Phone 301-405-4136
Fax 301-314-9082
Organization name University of Maryland, College Park
Department Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Street address 3124 Biociences Research Bldg. (413)
City College Park
State/province MD
ZIP/Postal code 20742
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL1482 M1, M3, M18 GAS Array
Samples (16)
GSM33583 JRS4 9-29A
GSM33597 JRS4 9-29B
GSM33598 JRS4 1-2A
BioProject PRJNA90981

Genomic Normalization header descriptions
Original Data from GPR file
Original Data from GPR file
Original Data from GPR file
Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data
Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data
Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data
Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data
Determine median of background 635 and 532 and separate data into upper and lower halves
Determine median of background 635 and 532 and separate data into upper and lower halves
Determine the median of the lower half (=25th percentile) and upper half (=75th percentile) and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentile)
Correcting background (keep background between upper and lower IQR
Final background (if Cbackground is blank in one eliminate in the other to be consistent)
"Calculate Background average from final background, standard deviation and threshold (mean +2SD)"
"Elimination of 635 value if below threshold, replacement of 532 value with threshold if below threshold"
Calculation of correction value to adjust each array. Average of normalized data points (532/635)
Division of correction value (AM) from each 532/635 ratio (AJ)

Data table
Original Data from GPR file Original Data from GPR file Original Data from GPR file Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data Filter out bad data (-100) and separate background data (blank and empty) from ORF data Determine median of background 635 and 532 and separate data into upper and lower halves Determine median of background 635 and 532 and separate data into upper and lower halves Determine the median of the lower half (=25th percentile) and upper half (=75th percentile) and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentile) Correcting background (keep background between upper and lower IQR Final background (if Cbackground is blank in one eliminate in the other to be consistent) "Calculate Background average from final background, standard deviation and threshold (mean +2SD)" "Elimination of 635 value if below threshold, replacement of 532 value with threshold if below threshold" Calculation of correction value to adjust each array. Average of normalized data points (532/635) Division of correction value (AM) from each 532/635 ratio (AJ)
Median 635 Median 532 25th 635 -4 25th 532 -2
0 1 75th 635 4 75th 532 5
Oligo Name F635-B635 F532-B532 Flag Oligo Name Background 635 Background 532 NonBackground 635 NonBackground 532 Lower 635 Upper 635 Lower 532 Upper 532 IQR 635 12 IQR 532 10.5 CBackground 635 CBackground 532 Fbackground 635 Fbacckground 532) Bkgd Avg 635 Bkgd Avg 532 Oligo 635 Feature 532 Feature 635/532 532/635 log 532/635 0.874840041 Corrected 532/635
NT01SP0001 603 399 0 NT01SP0001 603 399 Lower IQR 635 -16 Lower IQR 532 -12.5 -0.356666667 1.333333333 NT01SP0001 603 399 1.511278195 0.661691542 -0.179344416 0.756357175
NT01SP0001 623 189 0 NT01SP0001 623 189 Upper IQR 635 16 Upper IQR 532 15.5 NT01SP0001 623 189 3.296296296 0.303370787 -0.518026242 0.346772864
NT01SP0001 1007 232 0 NT01SP0001 1007 232 Bkgd Std Dev 635 Bkgd Std Dev 532 NT01SP0001 1007 232 4.340517241 0.230387289 -0.637541486 0.263347901
NT01SP0002 480 537 0 NT01SP0002 480 537 5.437647985 4.154486098 NT01SP0002 480 537 0.893854749 1.11875 0.048733048 1.278805207
NT01SP0002 1030 834 0 NT01SP0002 1030 834 NT01SP0002 1030 834 1.23501199 0.809708738 -0.091671174 0.925550614
NT01SP0002 400 315 0 NT01SP0002 400 315 Bkgd Threshold 635 Bkgd Threshold 532 NT01SP0002 400 315 1.26984127 0.7875 -0.103749438 0.900164559
NT01SP0003 260 331 0 NT01SP0003 260 331 10.5186293 9.642305529 NT01SP0003 260 331 0.785498489 1.273076923 0.104854646 1.455211082
NT01SP0003 603 936 0 NT01SP0003 603 936 NT01SP0003 603 936 0.644230769 1.552238806 0.190958537 1.774311568
NT01SP0003 361 522 0 NT01SP0003 361 522 NT01SP0003 361 522 0.691570881 1.44598338 0.160163301 1.652854592
NT01SP0004 367 60 0 NT01SP0004 367 60 Count of Orig Bkg 635 Count of Orig Bkg 532 NT01SP0004 367 60 6.116666667 0.163487738 -0.786514814 0.186877293
NT01SP0004 62 -115 -50 NT01SP0004 62 -115 357 357 NT01SP0004 62 9.642305529 6.429997454 0.155521057 -0.808210801 0.177770849
NT01SP0004 287 320 0 NT01SP0004 287 320 NT01SP0004 287 320 0.896875 1.114982578 0.047268082 1.274498795
NT01SP0005 407 73 0 NT01SP0005 407 73 NT01SP0005 407 73 5.575342466 0.179361179 -0.746271549 0.205021685
NT01SP0005 631 172 0 NT01SP0005 631 172 Count of Final Bkg 635 Count of Final Bkg 532 NT01SP0005 631 172 3.668604651 0.272583201 -0.564500912 0.311580619
NT01SP0005 818 185 0 NT01SP0005 818 185 300 300 NT01SP0005 818 185 4.421621622 0.226161369 -0.645581575 0.258517396
NT01SP0006 132 65 0 NT01SP0006 132 65 NT01SP0006 132 65 2.030769231 0.492424242 -0.307660575 0.562873462
NT01SP0006 664 339 0 NT01SP0006 664 339 NT01SP0006 664 339 1.958702065 0.510542169 -0.291968381 0.583583449

Total number of rows: 7347

Table truncated, full table size 915 Kbytes.

M1 Mga+ vs Mga- header descriptions
Oligo Names
"Data from all fourexperiments for wild-type, after genomic normalization"
Determine median of samples and separate into upper and lower halves
Determine the median of the lower half (25th percentile) and upper half (75th percentile)and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentiles)
Removal of outliers not within IQR
Average of all new data points for that oligo
Standard Deviation of all new data points for that oligo
Oligo Names
"Data from all four experiments for mutant, after genomic normalization"
Determine median of samples and separate into upper and lower halves
Determine the median of the lower half (25th percentile) and upper half (75th percentile) and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentiles)
Removal of outliers not within IQR
Average of all new data points for that oligo
Standard Deviation of all new data points for that oligo
Obtain Ratio SF370 to KSM165L

Data table
Oligo Names "Data from all fourexperiments for wild-type, after genomic normalization" Determine median of samples and separate into upper and lower halves Determine the median of the lower half (25th percentile) and upper half (75th percentile)and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentiles) Removal of outliers not within IQR Average of all new data points for that oligo Standard Deviation of all new data points for that oligo Oligo Names "Data from all four experiments for mutant, after genomic normalization" Determine median of samples and separate into upper and lower halves Determine the median of the lower half (25th percentile) and upper half (75th percentile) and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentiles) Removal of outliers not within IQR Average of all new data points for that oligo Standard Deviation of all new data points for that oligo Obtain Ratio SF370 to KSM165L
Oligo Name SF370 6/23A SF370 6/23B SF370 12/31A SF370 12/31B Median Upper 6/23A Lower 6/23A Upper 6/23B Lower 6/23B Upper 12/31A Lower 12/31A Upper 12/31B Lower 12/31B Oligo Name SF370 6/23A SF370 6/23B SF370 12/31A SF370 12/31B Average SF370 Standard Deviation SF370 Oligo Name KSM165L 6/23A KSM165L 6/23B KSM165L 12/31A KSM165L 12/31B Median Upper 6/23A Lower 6/23A Upper 6/23B Lower 6/23B Upper 12/31A Lower 12/31A Upper 12/31B Lower 12/31B Oligo Name KSM165L 6/23A KSM165L 6/23B KSM165L 12/31A KSM165L 12/31B Average KSM165L Standard Deviation KSM165L Oligo Name 370/165L
NT01SP0001 0.079825208 0.20906276 0.467092092 0.342373172 0.297908985 0.079825208 0.20906276 0.467092092 0.342373172 25th 0.175767021 Lower IQR -0.202513128 NT01SP0001 0.079825208 0.20906276 0.467092092 0.342373172 0.280354439 0.134910163 NT01SP0001 0.156848546 0.264408376 0.14372131 0.235078534 0.224441662 0.156848546 0.264408376 0.14372131 0.235078534 25th 0.170598094 Lower IQR 0.000665081 NT01SP0001 0.156848546 0.264408376 0.14372131 0.235078534 0.221911976 0.072380814 NT01SP0001 1.263358763
NT01SP0001 0.480599922 0.253444798 0.388815483 0.360813943 0.480599922 0.253444798 0.388815483 0.360813943 75th 0.427953787 Upper IQR 0.806233937 NT01SP0001 0.480599922 0.253444798 0.388815483 0.360813943 NT01SP0001 0.201678049 0.297476476 0.184347642 0.270297062 0.201678049 0.297476476 0.184347642 0.270297062 75th 0.283886769 Upper IQR 0.453819782 NT01SP0001 0.201678049 0.297476476 0.184347642 0.270297062 NT01SP0001
NT01SP0001 0.150337413 1.47043834 0.184552714 0.166981328 0.150337413 1.47043834 0.184552714 0.166981328 IQR 0.378280149 NT01SP0001 0.150337413 0.184552714 0.166981328 NT01SP0001 0.612754301 0.358524817 0.114846135 0.213804789 0.612754301 0.358524817 0.114846135 0.213804789 IQR 0.169933013 NT01SP0001 0.358524817 0.114846135 0.213804789 NT01SP0001
NT01SP0002 0.878459197 0.412236474 1.051665958 0.9989914 0.891439392 0.878459197 0.412236474 1.051665958 0.9989914 25th 0.648512009 Lower IQR 0.134576611 NT01SP0002 0.878459197 0.412236474 1.051665958 0.9989914 0.820300226 0.224747956 NT01SP0002 0.925382807 1.101603886 1.105283005 1.444396576 1.103443445 0.925382807 1.101603886 1.105283005 1.444396576 25th 0.982040444 Lower IQR 0.481548501 NT01SP0002 0.925382807 1.101603886 1.105283005 1.444396576 1.157752712 0.250548712 NT01SP0002 0.708528011
NT01SP0002 0.53316931 0.983279817 0.763854708 0.92791564 0.53316931 0.983279817 0.763854708 0.92791564 75th 0.991135608 Upper IQR 1.505071007 NT01SP0002 0.53316931 0.983279817 0.763854708 0.92791564 NT01SP0002 0.839975815 1.038698082 1.187006903 1.153418864 0.839975815 1.038698082 1.187006903 1.153418864 75th 1.315701739 Upper IQR 1.816193682 NT01SP0002 0.839975815 1.038698082 1.187006903 1.153418864 NT01SP0002
NT01SP0002 0.484438324 0.848622561 1.056549738 0.904419586 0.484438324 0.848622561 1.056549738 0.904419586 IQR 0.513935399 NT01SP0002 0.484438324 0.848622561 1.056549738 0.904419586 NT01SP0002 0.897126462 1.048854795 1.616724273 1.534561081 0.897126462 1.048854795 1.616724273 1.534561081 IQR 0.500491943 NT01SP0002 0.897126462 1.048854795 1.616724273 1.534561081 NT01SP0002
NT01SP0003 1.055899869 0.805564214 1.752154884 1.426088961 1.363224534 1.055899869 0.805564214 1.752154884 1.426088961 25th 0.973666874 Lower IQR -0.097455726 NT01SP0003 1.055899869 0.805564214 1.752154884 1.426088961 1.342037338 0.418608683 NT01SP0003 1.17442863 1.468309647 1.735274235 2.305139025 1.710148185 1.17442863 1.468309647 1.735274235 2.305139025 25th 1.448514518 Lower IQR 0.157896381 NT01SP0003 1.17442863 1.468309647 1.735274235 2.305139025 1.84365135 0.516701272 NT01SP0003 0.727923605
NT01SP0003 0.891433879 0.713811449 1.577077814 1.623342331 0.891433879 0.713811449 1.577077814 1.623342331 75th 1.687748608 Upper IQR 2.758871208 NT01SP0003 0.891433879 0.713811449 1.577077814 1.623342331 NT01SP0003 1.487734447 1.428719389 2.312714194 1.941025616 1.487734447 1.428719389 2.312714194 1.941025616 75th 2.30892661 Upper IQR 3.599544747 NT01SP0003 1.487734447 1.428719389 2.312714194 1.941025616 NT01SP0003
NT01SP0003 1.171477521 1.300360106 1.968543122 1.818693899 1.171477521 1.300360106 1.968543122 1.818693899 IQR 1.0711226 NT01SP0003 1.171477521 1.300360106 1.968543122 1.818693899 NT01SP0003 1.315718486 1.685022134 2.774620727 2.495109672 1.315718486 1.685022134 2.774620727 2.495109672 IQR 1.290618137 NT01SP0003 1.315718486 1.685022134 2.774620727 2.495109672 NT01SP0003
NT01SP0004 0.849458518 1.702647398 0.423673852 0.288381157 0.503169361 0.849458518 1.702647398 0.423673852 0.288381157 25th 0.413255768 Lower IQR -0.079271606 NT01SP0004 0.849458518 0.423673852 0.288381157 0.529478629 0.177944382 NT01SP0004 0.934872536 0.696965506 0.352642674 1.236202675 0.73627623 0.934872536 0.696965506 0.352642674 1.236202675 25th 0.597139848 Lower IQR 0.12448438 NT01SP0004 0.934872536 0.696965506 0.352642674 1.236202675 0.745748051 0.247945969 NT01SP0004 0.709996664
NT01SP0004 0.783487161 0.557443846 0.519379348 0.402837683 0.783487161 0.557443846 0.519379348 0.402837683 75th 0.741607351 Upper IQR 1.234134725 NT01SP0004 0.783487161 0.557443846 0.519379348 0.402837683 NT01SP0004 0.889614452 0.593309183 0.439718991 0.600970514 0.889614452 0.593309183 0.439718991 0.600970514 75th 0.912243494 Upper IQR 1.384898962 NT01SP0004 0.889614452 0.593309183 0.439718991 0.600970514 NT01SP0004
NT01SP0004 0.486959375 0.441310244 0.69972754 0.371606193 0.486959375 0.441310244 0.69972754 0.371606193 IQR 0.492527374 NT01SP0004 0.486959375 0.441310244 0.69972754 0.371606193 NT01SP0004 0.775586954 0.987579696 0.611549693 0.829963743 0.775586954 0.987579696 0.611549693 0.829963743 IQR 0.472655468 NT01SP0004 0.775586954 0.987579696 0.611549693 0.829963743 NT01SP0004
NT01SP0005 0.222397302 0.48592404 0.256998186 0.276665596 0.391149884 0.222397302 0.48592404 0.256998186 0.276665596 25th 0.292110579 Lower IQR -0.032905324 NT01SP0005 0.222397302 0.48592404 0.256998186 0.276665596 0.381967165 0.115179014 NT01SP0005 0.372869845 0.32231381 0.315833693 0.43196474 0.439387502 0.372869845 0.32231381 0.315833693 0.43196474 25th 0.369720141 Lower IQR 0.165057624 NT01SP0005 0.372869845 0.32231381 0.315833693 0.43196474 0.4297575 0.077430308 NT01SP0005 0.888796972
NT01SP0005 0.472889959 0.531651654 0.535218753 0.307555561 0.472889959 0.531651654 0.535218753 0.307555561 75th 0.508787847 Upper IQR 0.833803749 NT01SP0005 0.472889959 0.531651654 0.535218753 0.307555561 NT01SP0005 0.522750798 0.442924507 0.435850496 0.543254275 0.522750798 0.442924507 0.435850496 0.543254275 75th 0.506161819 Upper IQR 0.710824335 NT01SP0005 0.522750798 0.442924507 0.435850496 0.543254275 NT01SP0005
NT01SP0005 0.330037997 1.707563578 0.450840725 0.331459042 0.330037997 1.707563578 0.450840725 0.331459042 IQR 0.325015902 NT01SP0005 0.330037997 0.450840725 0.331459042 NT01SP0005 0.841084162 0.48957284 0.366570437 0.483427065 0.841084162 0.48957284 0.366570437 0.483427065 IQR 0.204662516 NT01SP0005 0.48957284 0.366570437 0.483427065 NT01SP0005
NT01SP0006 0.42098603 0.257712021 0.155370695 0.437841013 0.40148833 0.42098603 0.257712021 0.155370695 0.437841013 25th 0.351469333 Lower IQR 0.161594201 NT01SP0006 0.42098603 0.257712021 0.437841013 0.392435089 0.073695508 NT01SP0006 0.757743902 0.61104892 0.216422315 0.501400296 0.556224608 0.757743902 0.61104892 0.216422315 0.501400296 25th 0.391838353 Lower IQR -0.144613477 NT01SP0006 0.757743902 0.61104892 0.216422315 0.501400296 0.565678781 0.242744575 NT01SP0006 0.693741929
NT01SP0006 0.395549487 0.793356545 0.407427173 0.390171032 0.395549487 0.793356545 0.407427173 0.390171032 75th 0.478052755 Upper IQR 0.667927887 NT01SP0006 0.395549487 0.407427173 0.390171032 NT01SP0006 0.781614222 0.741201911 0.477391466 0.208813659 0.781614222 0.741201911 0.477391466 0.208813659 75th 0.749472907 Upper IQR 1.285924737 NT01SP0006 0.781614222 0.741201911 0.477391466 0.208813659 NT01SP0006
NT01SP0006 0.312767634 0.518264496 0.391196913 0.783024258 0.312767634 0.518264496 0.391196913 0.783024258 IQR 0.189875132 NT01SP0006 0.312767634 0.518264496 0.391196913 NT01SP0006 0.732472081 0.976359892 0.474334215 0.309342491 0.732472081 0.976359892 0.474334215 0.309342491 IQR 0.53645183 NT01SP0006 0.732472081 0.976359892 0.474334215 0.309342491 NT01SP0006
NT01SP0007 0.641351823 0.529424043 0.969670061 0.828657536 0.75737814 0.641351823 0.529424043 0.969670061 0.828657536 25th 0.695453984 Lower IQR 0.494895405 NT01SP0007 0.641351823 0.529424043 0.969670061 0.828657536 0.756780884 0.11298635 NT01SP0007 0.874622575 0.839979659 0.77574883 0.843221851 0.858922213 0.874622575 0.839979659 0.77574883 0.843221851 25th 0.794280789 Lower IQR 0.54149234 NT01SP0007 0.874622575 0.839979659 0.77574883 0.843221851 0.881786512 0.127049361 NT01SP0007 0.858235949

Total number of rows: 6988

Table truncated, full table size 3049 Kbytes.

M6 Mga+ vs Mga- header descriptions
Oligo Names
Data from all four experiments for wild-type after genomic normalization
Determine median of samples and separate into upper and lower halves
Determine the median of the lower half (25th percentile) and upper half (75th percentile)and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentiles)
Removal of outliers not within IQR
Average of all new data points for that oligo
Standard Deviation of all new data points for that oligo
Oligo Names
Data from all experiments for mutant after genomic normalization
Determine median of samples and separate into upper and lower halves
Determine the median of the lower half (25th percentile) and upper half (75th percentile) and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentiles)
Removal of outliers not within IQR
Average of all new data points for that oligo
Standard Deviation of all new data points for that oligo
Obtain Ratio JRS4 to JRS519

Data table
Oligo Names Data from all four experiments for wild-type after genomic normalization Determine median of samples and separate into upper and lower halves Determine the median of the lower half (25th percentile) and upper half (75th percentile)and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentiles) Removal of outliers not within IQR Average of all new data points for that oligo Standard Deviation of all new data points for that oligo Oligo Names Data from all experiments for mutant after genomic normalization Determine median of samples and separate into upper and lower halves Determine the median of the lower half (25th percentile) and upper half (75th percentile) and interquartile range (3/2 the difference between the 25th and 75th percentile +/- 75th and 25th percentiles) Removal of outliers not within IQR Average of all new data points for that oligo Standard Deviation of all new data points for that oligo Obtain Ratio JRS4 to JRS519
Oligo Name JRS4 9/29A JRS4 9/29B JRS4 1/2A JRS4 1/2B Median Upper 9/29A Lower 9/29A Upper 9/29B Lower 9/29B Upper 1/2A Lower 1/2A Upper 1/2B Lower 1/2B Oligo Name JRS4 9/29A JRS4 9/29B JRS4 1/2A JRS4 1/2B Average JRS4 Standard Deviation JRS4 Oligo Name JRS519 9/29A JRS519 9/29B JRS519 1/2A JRS519 1/2B Median Upper 9/29A Lower 9/29A Upper 9/29B Lower 9/29B Upper 1/2A Lower 1/2A Upper 1/2B Lower 1/2B Oligo Name JRS519 9/29A JRS519 9/29B JRS519 1/2A JRS519 1/2B Average JRS519 Standard Deviation JRS519 Oligo Name 4/519
NT01SP0001 0.131904694 0.169388555 0.111056315 0.289410784 0.315998742 0.131904694 0.169388555 0.111056315 0.289410784 25th 0.178122581 Lower IQR -0.408095233 NT01SP0001 0.131904694 0.169388555 0.111056315 0.289410784 0.3425434 0.196936968 NT01SP0001 0.330404293 0.204163657 0.201649061 0.756357175 0.296876097 0.330404293 0.204163657 0.201649061 0.756357175 25th 0.236761168 Lower IQR -0.372570392 NT01SP0001 0.330404293 0.204163657 0.201649061 0.756357175 0.3748265 0.204005073 NT01SP0001 0.91387201
NT01SP0001 0.424207325 0.611052238 0.685287118 0.526816676 0.424207325 0.611052238 0.685287118 0.526816676 75th 0.568934457 Upper IQR 1.155152271 NT01SP0001 0.424207325 0.611052238 0.685287118 0.526816676 NT01SP0001 0.260909663 0.62994683 0.21379309 0.346772864 0.260909663 0.62994683 0.21379309 0.346772864 75th 0.642982209 Upper IQR 1.252313769 NT01SP0001 0.260909663 0.62994683 0.21379309 0.346772864 NT01SP0001
NT01SP0001 0.186856607 1.873989127 0.34087421 0.291123274 0.186856607 1.873989127 0.34087421 0.291123274 IQR 0.586217814 NT01SP0001 0.186856607 0.34087421 0.291123274 NT01SP0001 1.86724326 0.656017587 0.259729247 0.263347901 1.86724326 0.656017587 0.259729247 0.263347901 IQR 0.609331561 NT01SP0001 0.656017587 0.259729247 0.263347901 NT01SP0001
NT01SP0002 0.90386939 0.984189289 1.563336551 1.35029587 1.044963292 0.90386939 0.984189289 1.563336551 1.35029587 25th 0.872070534 Lower IQR 0.17320063 NT01SP0002 0.90386939 0.984189289 1.563336551 1.35029587 1.104169609 0.290399809 NT01SP0002 1.457608855 0.968147191 1.022784814 1.278805207 0.978504218 1.457608855 0.968147191 1.022784814 1.278805207 25th 0.901806489 Lower IQR 0.384469416 NT01SP0002 1.457608855 0.968147191 1.022784814 1.278805207 1.018115142 0.288216435 NT01SP0002 1.084523315
NT01SP0002 1.104035728 0.797271328 1.325671736 1.178091532 1.104035728 0.797271328 1.325671736 1.178091532 75th 1.337983803 Upper IQR 2.036853707 NT01SP0002 1.104035728 0.797271328 1.325671736 1.178091532 NT01SP0002 1.214590535 0.903448419 0.618754411 0.925550614 1.214590535 0.903448419 0.618754411 0.925550614 75th 1.246697871 Upper IQR 1.764034944 NT01SP0002 1.214590535 0.903448419 0.618754411 0.925550614 NT01SP0002
NT01SP0002 0.678823204 0.985890855 0.840271678 1.538288145 0.678823204 0.985890855 0.840271678 1.538288145 IQR 0.698869904 NT01SP0002 0.678823204 0.985890855 0.840271678 1.538288145 NT01SP0002 1.422536769 0.988861245 0.51612908 0.900164559 1.422536769 0.988861245 0.51612908 0.900164559 IQR 0.517337073 NT01SP0002 1.422536769 0.988861245 0.51612908 0.900164559 NT01SP0002
NT01SP0003 1.031917388 1.280610102 2.362986558 2.518169209 1.889693131 1.031917388 1.280610102 2.362986558 2.518169209 25th 1.156263745 Lower IQR -0.780885947 NT01SP0003 1.031917388 1.280610102 2.362986558 2.518169209 1.905215293 0.807609244 NT01SP0003 1.184326239 1.852269077 2.455870401 1.455211082 1.594444207 1.184326239 1.852269077 2.455870401 1.455211082 25th 1.416933933 Lower IQR 0.822399349 NT01SP0003 1.184326239 1.852269077 1.455211082 1.571147549 0.310464073 NT01SP0003 1.212626589
NT01SP0003 0.970227639 3.39130924 1.685476173 2.377224537 0.970227639 3.39130924 1.685476173 2.377224537 75th 2.447696873 Upper IQR 4.384846565 NT01SP0003 0.970227639 3.39130924 1.685476173 2.377224537 NT01SP0003 1.56819886 1.378656785 1.620689554 1.774311568 1.56819886 1.378656785 1.620689554 1.774311568 75th 1.813290323 Upper IQR 2.407824907 NT01SP0003 1.56819886 1.378656785 1.620689554 1.774311568 NT01SP0003
NT01SP0003 0.955863673 1.365331682 2.093910089 2.829557229 0.955863673 1.365331682 2.093910089 2.829557229 IQR 1.937149692 NT01SP0003 0.955863673 1.365331682 2.093910089 2.829557229 NT01SP0003 2.207895955 1.488213635 1.09999569 1.652854592 2.207895955 1.488213635 1.09999569 1.652854592 IQR 0.594534584 NT01SP0003 2.207895955 1.488213635 1.09999569 1.652854592 NT01SP0003
NT01SP0004 1.366746348 0.901909921 0.112387629 1.84881861 0.967011194 1.366746348 0.901909921 0.112387629 1.84881861 25th 0.775502252 Lower IQR -0.228464451 NT01SP0004 1.366746348 0.901909921 0.112387629 1.84881861 1.071273886 0.574288108 NT01SP0004 0.167348754 0.221675692 0.571194933 0.186877293 0.257021774 0.167348754 0.221675692 0.571194933 0.186877293 25th 0.19351964 Lower IQR -0.594100159 NT01SP0004 0.167348754 0.221675692 0.571194933 0.186877293 0.40972394 0.357542288 NT01SP0004 2.614623608
NT01SP0004 1.302702326 1.01861522 0.841065266 0.709939238 1.302702326 1.01861522 0.841065266 0.709939238 75th 1.444813387 Upper IQR 2.44878009 NT01SP0004 1.302702326 1.01861522 0.841065266 0.709939238 NT01SP0004 0.200161987 0.230918898 0.327387414 0.177770849 0.200161987 0.230918898 0.327387414 0.177770849 75th 0.718599505 Upper IQR 1.506219304 NT01SP0004 0.200161987 0.230918898 0.327387414 0.177770849 NT01SP0004
NT01SP0004 1.522880427 0.915407168 2.024839302 0.289975182 1.522880427 0.915407168 2.024839302 0.289975182 IQR 1.003966703 NT01SP0004 1.522880427 0.915407168 2.024839302 0.289975182 NT01SP0004 0.283124649 0.866004078 1.521488438 1.274498795 0.283124649 0.866004078 1.521488438 1.274498795 IQR 0.787619799 NT01SP0004 0.283124649 0.866004078 1.274498795 NT01SP0004
NT01SP0005 0.227043446 0.267758679 0.116715236 0.491998332 0.5280733 0.227043446 0.267758679 0.116715236 0.491998332 25th 0.291845359 Lower IQR -0.394919137 NT01SP0005 0.227043446 0.267758679 0.116715236 0.491998332 0.489025445 0.268430152 NT01SP0005 0.438398264 0.261586488 0.176728459 0.205021685 0.324385531 0.438398264 0.261586488 0.176728459 0.205021685 25th 0.23176954 Lower IQR -1.128045579 NT01SP0005 0.438398264 0.261586488 0.176728459 0.205021685 0.686899004 0.671768319 NT01SP0005 0.711932091
NT01SP0005 0.564148267 0.952389954 0.346802457 0.5976723 0.564148267 0.952389954 0.346802457 0.5976723 75th 0.749688357 Upper IQR 1.436452853 NT01SP0005 0.564148267 0.952389954 0.346802457 0.5976723 NT01SP0005 1.740536483 1.249657288 0.151995362 0.311580619 1.740536483 1.249657288 0.151995362 0.311580619 75th 1.138312954 Upper IQR 2.498128073 NT01SP0005 1.740536483 1.249657288 0.151995362 0.311580619 NT01SP0005
NT01SP0005 0.59711477 2.380388598 0.901704413 0.315932039 0.59711477 2.380388598 0.901704413 0.315932039 IQR 0.686764496 NT01SP0005 0.59711477 0.901704413 0.315932039 NT01SP0005 2.084606947 1.026968619 0.337190444 0.258517396 2.084606947 1.026968619 0.337190444 0.258517396 IQR 1.35981512 NT01SP0005 2.084606947 1.026968619 0.337190444 0.258517396 NT01SP0005
NT01SP0006 0.598644382 0.290528081 0.087306504 0.597822569 0.413456837 0.598644382 0.290528081 0.087306504 0.597822569 25th 0.29255668 Lower IQR -0.296121516 NT01SP0006 0.598644382 0.290528081 0.087306504 0.597822569 0.518520863 0.306333794 NT01SP0006 0.23387975 0.125553605 0.228842707 0.562873462 0.40638733 0.23387975 0.125553605 0.228842707 0.562873462 25th 0.277369926 Lower IQR -0.169792253 NT01SP0006 0.23387975 0.125553605 0.228842707 0.562873462 0.40059708 0.167632194 NT01SP0006 1.294370052
NT01SP0006 0.978624545 1.115396116 0.272224626 0.410791031 0.978624545 1.115396116 0.272224626 0.410791031 75th 0.685008811 Upper IQR 1.273687008 NT01SP0006 0.978624545 1.115396116 0.272224626 0.410791031 NT01SP0006 0.320860101 0.412299923 0.400474738 0.583583449 0.320860101 0.412299923 0.400474738 0.583583449 75th 0.575478045 Upper IQR 1.022640224 NT01SP0006 0.320860101 0.412299923 0.400474738 0.583583449 NT01SP0006
NT01SP0006 0.77137324 0.416122643 0.388831337 0.29458528 0.77137324 0.416122643 0.388831337 0.29458528 IQR 0.588678196 NT01SP0006 0.77137324 0.416122643 0.388831337 0.29458528 NT01SP0006 0.626033743 0.567372641 0.344793758 1.706152859 0.626033743 0.567372641 0.344793758 1.706152859 IQR 0.447162179 NT01SP0006 0.626033743 0.567372641 0.344793758 NT01SP0006
NT01SP0007 1.212837969 0.705975118 0.725932336 0.928276131 0.885205564 1.212837969 0.705975118 0.725932336 0.928276131 25th 0.692231472 Lower IQR 0.287162108 NT01SP0007 1.212837969 0.705975118 0.725932336 0.928276131 0.870534874 0.215568353 NT01SP0007 0.65423324 0.755163493 0.806343074 0.875539997 0.783197663 0.65423324 0.755163493 0.806343074 0.875539997 25th 0.739120528 Lower IQR 0.574098036 NT01SP0007 0.65423324 0.755163493 0.806343074 0.875539997 0.796452903 0.076706788 NT01SP0007 1.09301488

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