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Series GSE191199 Query DataSets for GSE191199
Status Public on Mar 02, 2022
Title Transgenerational transcriptomic and DNA methylome profiling of mouse fetal testicular germline and somatic cells after exposure of pregnant mothers to tributyltin, a potent obesogen
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Methylation profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Obesogens such as tributyltin (TBT) are xenobiotic compounds that promote obesity, in part by distorting the normal balance of lipid metabolism. The obesogenic effects of TBT can be observed in directly exposed (F1 and F2 generations) and also subsequent generations (F3 and beyond) that were never exposed. To address the effects of TBT exposure on germ cells, we exposed pregnant transgenic OG2 mouse dams (F0), which specifically express EGFP in germline cells, to an environmentally relevant dose of TBT throughout gestation through drinking water. When fed with a high fat diet (HFD), F3 male offspring of TBT-exposed F0 dams (TBT-F3) accumulated much more body fat than did Control-F3 males. TBT-F3 males also lost more body fluid and lean compositions than did Control-F3 males. Expression of genes involved in transcriptional regulation or mesenchymal differ-entiation was upregulated in somatic cells of TBT-F1 (but not TBT-F3) E18.5 fetal testes, and promoter-associated CpG islands were hyper-methylated in TBT-F1 somatic cells. Global mRNA expression of protein-coding genes in F1 or F3 fetal testicular cells was unaffected by F0 exposure to TBT; however, expression of a subset of endogenous retroviruses was significantly affected in F1 and F3. We infer that TBT may directly target testicular somatic cells in F1 testes to irreversibly affect epigenetic suppression of endogenous retroviruses in both germline and somatic cells.
Overall design Mouse E18.5 fetal testicular cells were separated to germline cells (P4 and P5 populations) and somatic (P6) cells and then subjected to RNA-sesq (transcriptomic profiling) or MBD-seq (DNA methylation analysis).
Contributor(s) Shioda K, Odajima J, Blumberg B, Shioda T
Citation(s) 35208169
Submission date Dec 18, 2021
Last update date Mar 02, 2022
Contact name Toshi Shioda
Phone (617) 726-3425
Organization name MGH Cancer Center
Department Center for Cancer Research
Lab Molecular Profiling Lab
Street address Building 149 - 7th Floor, 13th Street
City Charlestown
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02129
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL19057 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Mus musculus)
Samples (81)
GSM5741414 F1-MBD-1-DMSO
GSM5741415 F1-MBD-2-DMSO
GSM5741416 F1-MBD-3-DMSO
BioProject PRJNA790129

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE191199_F1_MBD_counts.txt.gz 2.3 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE191199_F3_MBD_counts.txt.gz 3.0 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE191199_MouseF1F3E18pTestisRNAseq_filtered_normalized_counts.corrected.2.xlsx 16.6 Mb (ftp)(http) XLSX
GSE191199_Normalized_mERV_counts_F1_germline.corrected.2.txt.gz 25.4 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE191199_Normalized_mERV_counts_F1_somatic.txt.gz 19.5 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE191199_Normalized_mERV_counts_F3_germline.txt.gz 23.7 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE191199_Normalized_mERV_counts_F3_somatic.txt.gz 18.6 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
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