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Series GSE2259 Query DataSets for GSE2259
Status Public on Oct 04, 2005
Title Testicular gene expression in SCARKO mice during prepuberty
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary To unravel the molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of androgens on spermatogenesis, testicular gene expression was compared in mice with a Sertoli cell-selective androgen receptor knockout (SCARKO) and littermate controls on postnatal d 10. At this age testicular cell composition is still comparable in SCARKOs and controls. Microarray analysis identified 692 genes with significant differences in expression. A more than 2-fold up- or downregulation by androgen action in Sertoli cells was observed for 28 and 6 genes respectively. The biological relevance of the “strongly” upregulated genes was supported by the finding that several of them were previously described to be androgen-regulated or essential for spermatogenesis. Serine protease inhibitors were overrepresented in the same subgroup suggesting a role for androgens in cell junction dynamics and tissue restructuring events during spermatogenesis. A time course experiment (d8-d20), followed by cluster analysis allowed the identification of typical expression patterns of differentially expressed testicular genes during initiation of spermatogenesis. Three genes with a pattern closely resembling that of Pem, a prototypal androgen-regulated gene in Sertoli cells, were selected for confirmation by RT-PCR and further analysis. The data confirm that the SCARKO model allows identification of novel androgen-regulated genes in the testis.

This series represents the time course data from d 8, d 10, d 12, d 16 and d 20.
The expression data from the additional SCARKO vs control comparison on d 10
is represented by series GSE2260 ("Testicular gene expression in SCARKO mice at day 10").
Keywords: time-course
Contributor(s) Denolet E, De Gendt K, Allemeersch J, Engelen K, Marchal K, Van Hummelen P, Tan K, Sharpe RM, Saunders PT, Swinnen JV, Verhoeven G
Citation(s) 16166195
Submission date Feb 09, 2005
Last update date May 04, 2018
Contact name Rekin's Janky
Organization name VIB
Department Nucleomics Core
Street address Herestraat 49 Box 816
City Leuven
ZIP/Postal code B-3000
Country Belgium
Platforms (1)
GPL8321 [Mouse430A_2] Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 Array
Samples (10)
GSM41507 Control d 8
GSM41508 SCARKO d 8
GSM41509 SCARKO d 10 (5)
BioProject PRJNA91367

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GSE2259_RAW.tar 33.6 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)

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