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Series GSE24176 Query DataSets for GSE24176
Status Public on Mar 25, 2011
Title Expression data from Pseudomonas putida KT2440
Organism Pseudomonas putida KT2440
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary In this study we exploited next-generation Illumina sequencing technology (Wang et al., 2009) to refine the current annotation of the KT2440 genome. Transcriptome sequencing data were queried for yet undescribed small RNAs and ORFs and employed to validate predicted operons and gene coordinates. Expression profiles were measured at 10°C and 30°C to cover the physiologic temperature profile of this mesophilic bacterium. Moreover we compared the sensitivity and specificity of transcriptome data by taking the same RNA preparations for cDNA sequencing and hybridization of Progenika and Affymetrix microarrays.

This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Overall design P. putida KT2440 (strain DSM6125) (Bagdasarian et al., 1981) was obtained from the German Resource Centre for Biological Material (DSMZ, (Braunschweig, Germany). Bacterial cultures were inoculated from a frozen stock culture of P. putida wild type, and incubated at 30°C for 8 hours at 250 rpm in LB medium. An aliquot of 0.2 mL was added to 20 mL M9 medium (Na2HPO4 33.9 g/L, KH2PO4 15.0 g/L, NaCl 2.5 g/L, NH4Cl 5.0 g/L, MgSO4 2 mM, CaCl2 0.1 mM, FeSO4 x 7 H2O 0.01 mM, pH 6.8) supplemented with 15 mM succinate as sole carbon source in a 100 mL flask and incubated overnight at 30°C. For RNA extraction, bacteria were grown in a 1.5 L batch culture (M9 + 15 mM succinate) using the BioFlo 110 Fermenter (New Brunswick Scientific Co., Edison, NJ) to ensure constant pH, aeration and agitation. When cultures reached mid-exponential phase (OD600 ~ 0.8) the temperature was decreased from 30°C to 10°C. Three samples, each for parallel RNA extraction, were subsequently taken immediately before temperature downshift (30°C) and two hours after the media had been cooled to 10°C.
The gene expression profiles of P. putida KT2440 at 30°C and 10°C were analyzed using three different transcriptome platforms: RNA-Seq (Illumina cDNA sequencing), Affymetrix microarrays and Progenika oligonucleotide microarrays.
For a detailed description of sample preparation (RNA, cDNA , labelling, hybridization etc.) refer to individual Series.
Contributor(s) Frank S
Citation(s) 21355971
Submission date Sep 16, 2010
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name Sarah Frank
Organization name Medical School Hannover
Department Clinic for Paediatric Pneumology and Neonatology
Lab Clinical Research Group OE6711
Street address Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
City Hannover
ZIP/Postal code 30625
Country Germany
Platforms (3)
GPL10932 Affymetrix P putida KT2440 array
GPL10933 Progenika P putida KT2440 oligo array
GPL10934 Illumina Genome Analyzer II (Pseudomonas putida KT2440)
Samples (9)
GSM594818 30°C - biol. repl. 1
GSM594819 30°C - biol. repl. 2
GSM594820 30°C - biol. repl. 3
This SuperSeries is composed of the following SubSeries:
GSE24173 Expression data from Pseudomonas putida KT2440 (Affymetrix data)
GSE24174 Expression data from Pseudomonas putida KT2440 (Progenika oligo array data)
GSE24175 Expression data from Pseudomonas putida KT2440 (RNA-Seq data)
BioProject PRJNA130097

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GSE24176_RAW.tar 37.9 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of BED, CEL, TXT)
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