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Series GSE24950 Query DataSets for GSE24950
Status Public on Nov 17, 2010
Title Renormalized GSE6089 by using the parametric method
Sample organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Third-party reanalysis
Expression profiling by array
Summary Each of the channel data was normalized and summarized by using SuperNORM data service (Skylight Biotech Inc.).
ABS_CALL: A, affected severely by noise; M, marginal; P, plausible.
Overall design Both R and G signal data of samples in GSE6089, GSM140954-GSM140967, were parametrically normalized in channel-wise manner according to the three-parameter lognormal distribution method (Konishi, 2004 BMC Bioinformatics, 5, 5 A pseudo data was then derived in a form of antilog of the z-scores; the center of the pseudo data was 256. The pseudo data, ABS_CALL, and the normalized data (z-scores) are presented in the matrix form.
Contributor(s) Konishi T
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Submission date Oct 27, 2010
Last update date Mar 23, 2012
Contact name Tomokazu Konishi
Phone +81-18-872-1603
Organization name Akita Prefectural University
Department Bioresource Sciences
Lab Molecular Genetics
Street address Shimoshinjyo Nishi
City Akita
State/province Akita
ZIP/Postal code 010-0195
Country Japan
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE25410 The suitability of statistical tests according to characteristics in variation of expression microarray data
Reanalysis of GSM140954
Reanalysis of GSM140955
Reanalysis of GSM140956
Reanalysis of GSM140957
Reanalysis of GSM140958
Reanalysis of GSM140959
Reanalysis of GSM140960
Reanalysis of GSM140961
Reanalysis of GSM140962
Reanalysis of GSM140963
Reanalysis of GSM140964
Reanalysis of GSM140965
Reanalysis of GSM140966
Reanalysis of GSM140967
BioProject PRJNA142719

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GSE24950_Summarized_Matrix.txt.gz 6.3 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
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