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Series GSE260455 Query DataSets for GSE260455
Status Public on Apr 14, 2024
Title Motility-activating mutations upstream of flhDC reduce acid shock survival of Escherichia coli
Organisms Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655; Escherichia coli BW25113
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Many neutralophilic bacterial species try to evade acid stress with an escape strategy, which is reflected in the increased expression of genes coding for flagellar components. Extremely acid-tolerant bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, survive the strong acid stress, e.g. in the stomach of vertebrates. Recently, we were able to show that the induction of motility genes in E. coli is strictly dependent on the degree of acid stress, i.e. they are induced under mild acid stress but not under severe acid stress. However, it was not known to what extent fine-tuned expression of motility genes is related to fitness and the ability to survive periods of acid shock. In this study, we demonstrate that the expression of FlhDC, the master regulator of flagellation, is inversely correlated with acid shock survival of E. coli. We encountered this phenomenon when analyzing mutants from the Keio collection in which the expression of flhDC was altered by an IS element. These results suggest a fitness trade-off between acid tolerance and motility.
Overall design Comparison of genome-wide mRNA levels in E. coli MG1655 WT and dmhpR, as well as BW25113 and BW25113 mhpR::km (Keio collection) at pH 4.4 in LB medium.
Contributor(s) Schumacher K, Braun D, Kleigrewe K, Jung K
Citation(s) 38651876
Submission date Feb 28, 2024
Last update date Jul 19, 2024
Contact name Kilian Schumacher
Organization name LMU Munich
Lab AG K.Jung
Street address Großhaderner Straße 2-4
City Martinsired
ZIP/Postal code 82152
Country Germany
Platforms (2)
GPL32899 NextSeq 1000 (Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655)
GPL34252 NextSeq 1000 (Escherichia coli BW25113)
Samples (12)
GSM8117457 MG1655 WT1
GSM8117458 MG1655 WT2
GSM8117459 MG1655 WT3
BioProject PRJNA1081798

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GSE260455_rpkm_counts_BW25113_mhpR-km_vs.BW25113_-_pH_4.4_.xlsx 265.4 Kb (ftp)(http) XLSX
GSE260455_rpkm_counts_MG1655_dmhpR_vs._MG1655_-_pH_4.4.xlsx 248.2 Kb (ftp)(http) XLSX
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