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Series GSE26166 Query DataSets for GSE26166
Status Public on Apr 01, 2011
Title miRNA expression profiles of HBE cells at different stages
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Non-coding RNA profiling by array
Summary To identify miRNAs involved in ST-induced cell transformation, we used microarray chips containing 856 miRNA probes to define miRNA expression profiles in 16HBE,16HBER and 16HBERST cells.
Overall design we created HBE cells at different stages of the cell transformation process (Pang et al., 2008). In brief, primary human bronchial epithelial cells were immortalized by expressing SV40 LT and hTERT (named as HBELH cells). HBER cells were created by introduction of an oncogenic version of H-Ras into HBELH cells. In agreement with previous studies, the expression of the oncogene H-Ras led to an increase in cell proliferation; however these cells (HBER) were unable to grow in soft agar or form tumors in immunodeficient mice. Subsequently, HBERST cells generated by the additional introduction of SV40 ST into HBER cells grew in an anchorage independent fashion and formed tumors in immunodeficient mice. Therefore, these cell lines represent distinct stages of immortalized cells (HBELH), pre-transformed cells (HBER) and transformed cells (HBERST). And then, the different miRNA expression profiles of HBE cells at different stages were assayed by miRNA microarray.
Contributor(s) Chen W, Wang Q, Li D
Citation(s) 21460851
Submission date Dec 18, 2010
Last update date Mar 22, 2012
Contact name chen wen
Organization name Sun Yat-sen University
Department Department of Toxicology
Street address 74 Zhongshan Road 2
City Guangzhou
ZIP/Postal code 510080
Country China
Platforms (1)
GPL11332 μParaflo™ MicroRNA microarray Assay
Samples (2)
GSM642432 miRNA expression profiles of L02 and 16HBE cell lines
GSM642433 miRNA expression profiles of 16HBER and 16HBERST cell lines
BioProject PRJNA135289

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GSE26166_RAW.tar 1.3 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of XLS)
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