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Series GSE276609 Query DataSets for GSE276609
Status Public on Sep 30, 2024
Title Evaluation of breast cancer PDX tumor heterogeneity at single cell resolution II
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women. PDXs (patient-derived xenografts) are similar to cancer cell lines but differ in that they are maintained in a physiological setting as soon as they are isolated from the patient and for subsequent passages. These models are valuable for preclinical trials because PDX models have been shown to closely match their patient counterparts, both in genomic profile and response to treatment. One challenge to treatment development is tumor heterogeneity. In this study, we profiled ER+ and triple negative breast cancer PDX models using single-cell RNA-sequencing. This data may help identify populations of cells which are susceptible to certain treatments in order to improve clinical outcomes for breast cancer patients.
Overall design ER+, HER2 amplified, and triple-negative mammary tumors were subjected to single-cell RNA sequencing with the goal of identifying and profiling sub-populations within models to improve outcomes of targeted treatments. This dataset contains a total of 117 samples that includes new and reanalyzed samples with and without raw data present in the SRA.

This GEO record is organized as follows: the “Samples” section below contains 23 new samples with raw data submitted to the SRA; the “Relations” section contains links to the remaining 94 reanalyzed sample GSM records (see the “GSE276609_sample_file_association_for_reanalysis.txt.gz” file for mapping to reanalyzed data and sample names); of the 94 reanalyzed samples 25 are from GSE235168 that have raw data previously submitted to the SRA and are listed in the “TABLE OF REANALYZED/REUSED DATATABLE OF REANALYZED/REUSED DATA”; the remaining 69 samples are from GEO Series GSE161529 and do not have raw data archived in the SRA. These 69 samples from GSE161529 were re-analyzed by the original authors on our request by aligning the raw data using 10X Genomics CellRanger v6 software and then sharing the read count matrices with our team who incorporated them into the same pipeline as the rest of the data in this submission. 10X formatted read count matrices and additional process data for the 69 samples from GSE161529 can be found in the tar file below named “GSE276609_GSE161529_reanalysis.tar.gz”. Processed data, including 10X formatted read count matrices, for the 25 reanalyzed samples from GSE235168 can be found in the tar file below named “GSE276609_GSE235168_reanalysis.tar.gz”. Likewise, the read counts and other processed data files for the 23 new samples that are part of this submission can be found in the “GSE276609_RAW.tar” tar file below. For all data, the processed files with “CancerCellsOnly” in the file name contains a list of the cell barcodes that we identified as cancer cells using the inferCNV tool as described in the manuscript. In addition to read counts and cancer cell barcode lists, we provide 5 Loupe Cell Browser files that contain the merged dataset as presented in the paper (.cloupe files). To view layouts consistent with the manuscript, you need to change the projection to the imported “UMAP_Seurat” or the imported “tSNE_Seurat” options as the defaults are not consistent with the publication figures. Loupe file contents are as follows: MasterMerge_AllSamples.cloupe.gz contains all 117 samples with human cells only; CancerOnlyDataset.cloupe contains the subset of identified malignant cells from the Master Merge file with all normal samples removed (the CancerCellsOnly processed data files contain a list of barcodes for each sample that are in this dataset); CancerOnly_TNBC-Samples.cloupe is a subset of the CancerOnlyDataset file contain only TNBC samples; CancerOnly_ERpositive-Samples.cloupe is a subset of the CancerOnlyDataset file that contains only ER+ samples; WHIM30_PDX_PDXO_SamplesOnly.cloupe contains only the WHIM30 PDX and organoid samples.

The table below lists GEO accessions reused/reanalyzed for this study where fastq files are available at SRA.
Contributor(s) Harrell JC, Olex AL, Dozmorov M, Altman J, Boyd D, Zboril E
Citation(s) 39417215
Submission date Sep 07, 2024
Last update date Nov 22, 2024
Contact name Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research Bioinformatics Core
Phone 804-828-1621
Organization name Virginia Commonwealth University
Street address 203 E Cary St
City Richmond
State/province VA
ZIP/Postal code 23298
Country USA
Platforms (2)
GPL20301 Illumina HiSeq 4000 (Homo sapiens)
GPL30173 NextSeq 2000 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (23)
GSM8502984 BCM-2147_109176, Basal-like triple-negative breast cancer patient-derived xenograft
GSM8502985 BCM-2147CR_109178, Basal-like triple-negative breast cancer patient-derived xenograft
GSM8502986 BCM-7482CR_109078, Basal-like triple-negative breast cancer patient-derived xenograft
Reanalysis of GSM7497157
Reanalysis of GSM7497163
Reanalysis of GSM7497164
Reanalysis of GSM7497165
Reanalysis of GSM7497167
Reanalysis of GSM7497172
Reanalysis of GSM7497179
Reanalysis of GSM7497178
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Reanalysis of GSM7497181
Reanalysis of GSM7497168
Reanalysis of GSM7497158
Reanalysis of GSM7497159
Reanalysis of GSM7497166
Reanalysis of GSM7497169
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Reanalysis of GSM7497161
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Reanalysis of GSM7497177
Reanalysis of GSM7497160
Reanalysis of GSM4909279
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Reanalysis of GSM4909280
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Reanalysis of GSM4909296
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Reanalysis of GSM4909301
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Reanalysis of GSM4909309
Reanalysis of GSM4909312
Reanalysis of GSM4909311
Reanalysis of GSM4909314
Reanalysis of GSM4909313
Reanalysis of GSM4909299
Reanalysis of GSM4909297
Reanalysis of GSM4909303
Reanalysis of GSM4909304
Reanalysis of GSM4909316
Reanalysis of GSM4909315
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Reanalysis of GSM4909317
Reanalysis of GSM4909295
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Reanalysis of GSM4909293
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Reanalysis of GSM4909289
Reanalysis of GSM4909290
Reanalysis of GSM4909321
Reanalysis of GSM4909320
Reanalysis of GSM4909319
Reanalysis of GSM4909254
Reanalysis of GSM4909272
Reanalysis of GSM4909262
Reanalysis of GSM4909263
Reanalysis of GSM4909253
Reanalysis of GSM4909256
Reanalysis of GSM4909257
Reanalysis of GSM4909267
Reanalysis of GSM4909268
Reanalysis of GSM4909266
Reanalysis of GSM4909264
Reanalysis of GSM4909261
Reanalysis of GSM4909265
Reanalysis of GSM4909273
Reanalysis of GSM4909274
Reanalysis of GSM4909255
Reanalysis of GSM4909271
Reanalysis of GSM4909269
Reanalysis of GSM4909270
Reanalysis of GSM4909275
Reanalysis of GSM4909276
Reanalysis of GSM4909259
Reanalysis of GSM4909260
Reanalysis of GSM4909258
Reanalysis of GSM4909283
Reanalysis of GSM4909284
Reanalysis of GSM4909281
Reanalysis of GSM4909282
Reanalysis of GSM4909286
Reanalysis of GSM4909288
Reanalysis of GSM4909287
Reanalysis of GSM4909285
BioProject PRJNA1158224

GEO Series Link for GEO Series
GEO Sample Link for GEO Sample
SRA Experiment SRA Run Selector link for SRA Experiment
BioSample SRA Run Selector link for BioSample
BioProject SRA Run Selector link for BioProject
Sample title Title of GEO Sample record

Data table
GEO Series GEO Sample SRA Experiment BioSample BioProject Sample title
GSE235168 GSM7497157 SRX20726542 SAMN35801820 PRJNA985573 BCM-0132_107455
GSE235168 GSM7497163 SRX20726546 SAMN35801814 PRJNA985573 BCM-2147_107007
GSE235168 GSM7497164 SRX20726547 SAMN35801813 PRJNA985573 BCM-2277_107010
GSE235168 GSM7497165 SRX20726548 SAMN35801812 PRJNA985573 BCM-3887_107156
GSE235168 GSM7497167 SRX20726553 SAMN35801810 PRJNA985573 BCM-7482_107157
GSE235168 GSM7497172 SRX20726563 SAMN35801805 PRJNA985573 HCI001CR_105984
GSE235168 GSM7497179 SRX20726562 SAMN35801798 PRJNA985573 UCD52CR
GSE235168 GSM7497178 SRX20726561 SAMN35801799 PRJNA985573 UCD52_107080-107081
GSE235168 GSM7497180 SRX20726566 SAMN35801797 PRJNA985573 UCD52CR_107269
GSE235168 GSM7497181 SRX20726551 SAMN35801796 PRJNA985573 WHIM2_105940
GSE235168 GSM7497168 SRX20726554 SAMN35801809 PRJNA985573 BCM-7821-107713
GSE235168 GSM7497158 SRX20726543 SAMN35801819 PRJNA985573 BCM-15034_107244
GSE235168 GSM7497159 SRX20726544 SAMN35801818 PRJNA985573 BCM-15034_107352
GSE235168 GSM7497166 SRX20726552 SAMN35801811 PRJNA985573 BCM-5097_107348
GSE235168 GSM7497169 SRX20726555 SAMN35801808 PRJNA985573 HCI-011_107322
GSE235168 GSM7497170 SRX20726556 SAMN35801807 PRJNA985573 HCI-011_107324
GSE235168 GSM7497171 SRX20726557 SAMN35801806 PRJNA985573 HCI-011_107409
GSE235168 GSM7497173 SRX20726558 SAMN35801804 PRJNA985573 HCI013_106662
GSE235168 GSM7497174 SRX20726559 SAMN35801803 PRJNA985573 HCI013_106663
GSE235168 GSM7497175 SRX20726560 SAMN35801802 PRJNA985573 HCI013_106666-106667

Total number of rows: 25

Table truncated, full table size 1 Kbytes.

Download family Format
SOFT formatted family file(s) SOFTHelp
MINiML formatted family file(s) MINiMLHelp
Series Matrix File(s) TXTHelp

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE276609_CancerOnlyDataset.cloupe.gz 2.3 Gb (ftp)(http) CLOUPE
GSE276609_CancerOnly_ERpositive-Samples.cloupe.gz 890.9 Mb (ftp)(http) CLOUPE
GSE276609_CancerOnly_TNBC-Samples.cloupe.gz 1.3 Gb (ftp)(http) CLOUPE
GSE276609_GSE161529_reanalysis.tar.gz 2.3 Gb (ftp)(http) TAR
GSE276609_GSE235168_reanalysis.tar.gz 717.1 Mb (ftp)(http) TAR
GSE276609_MasterMerge_AllSamples.cloupe.gz 3.6 Gb (ftp)(http) CLOUPE
GSE276609_RAW.tar 900.0 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CSV, TAR)
GSE276609_WHIM30_PDX_PDXO_SamplesOnly.cloupe.gz 198.1 Mb (ftp)(http) CLOUPE
GSE276609_sample_file_association_for_reanalysis.txt.gz 1000 b (ftp)(http) TXT
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Raw data are available in SRA

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