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Series GSE28243 Query DataSets for GSE28243
Status Public on Aug 04, 2011
Title Alternative splicing of the TRPV1 gene underlies infrared sensation in vampire bats
Organisms Desmodus rotundus; Carollia brevicauda
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Vampire bats and snakes have taken thermosensation to the extreme by developing specialized systems for detecting infrared radiation. As such, these creatures provide a window into the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying evolutionary tuning of thermoreceptors in a species or cell type specific manner. In each case, robust thermal sensitivity likely reflects specialized anatomical features of infrared sensing pit organs, as well as intrinsic heat sensitivity of trigeminal nerve fibers that innervate these structures. Here we show that vampire bats use a molecular strategy involving alternative splicing of the TRPV1 gene to generate a channel specifically within trigeminal ganglia that has a reduced thermal activation threshold. Selective expression of splicing factors in trigeminal, but not dorsal root ganglia, together with unique organization of the vampire bat TRPV1 gene underlies this mechanism of sensory adaptation. Comparative genomic analysis of the TRPV1 locus supports phylogenetic relationships within the proposed Pegasoferae clade of mammals.
Overall design Gene expression measurements implicate a TRPV1 splice isoform as the heat-sensitive channel in vampire bats
Contributor(s) Gracheva EO, Cordero-Morales JF, Gonzalez JA, Ingolia NT, Aranguren CI, Manno C, Weissman JS, Julius DJ
Citation(s) 21814281
Submission date Mar 29, 2011
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name Nicholas T Ingolia
Phone 510 664 7071
Organization name University of California, Berkeley
Department Molecular and Cell Biology
Lab Ingolia
Street address 1 Barker Hall # 3202
City Berkeley
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94720
Country USA
Platforms (2)
GPL13343 Illumina Genome Analyzer II (Desmodus rotundus)
GPL13344 Illumina Genome Analyzer II (Carollia brevicauda)
Samples (4)
GSM699148 Vampire-TG
GSM699149 Vampire-DRG
GSM699150 Non-Pit-TG
SRA SRP007670
BioProject PRJNA139591

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GSE28243_RAW.tar 489.1 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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