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Series GSE30045 Query DataSets for GSE30045
Status Public on May 22, 2012
Title Influence of RNA Labeling on Expression Profiling of MicroRNAs
Platform organism synthetic construct
Sample organisms Homo sapiens; synthetic construct
Experiment type Non-coding RNA profiling by array
Summary Several technical parameters are now being optimized for microRNA expression profiling experiments, but the finite amount of total RNA available continues to bottleneck clinical investigations. We used microarrays to determine the influence of the labeling reagent on total RNA requirements and data quality.
Overall design Human brain/lung samples were each labeled in duplicate, at 1.0ug, 0.5ug, 0.2ug, and 0.1ug of total RNA, using two microRNA labeling kits (Genisphere Biotin and Biotin-HSR) that utilize the same labeling procedure but differ in the composition of the labeling reagent used to label the microRNA molecules in the samples. A total of 32 arrays were used for this experiment. Additionally, synthetic microRNA spike-in experiments were also performed to establish the signal dynamic range of the microarray using the Biotin-HSR labeling kit. Two-fold serial dilution samples were prepared that contained from 5000 to 4.88 attomoles of miRNA. A total of 12 arrays were used for this experiment, including a negative control sample.
Contributor(s) Kaddis JS, Wai DH, Bowers J, Hartmann N, Baeriswyl L, Bajaj S, Anderson MJ, Getts RC, Triche TJ
Citation(s) 22074760
Submission date Jun 16, 2011
Last update date May 02, 2017
Contact name John S. Kaddis
Organization name City of Hope
Department Diabetes and Cancer Discovery Science
Street address 1500 East Duarte Road
City Duarte
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 91010-3000
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL8786 [miRNA-1] Affymetrix Multispecies miRNA-1 Array
Samples (44)
GSM743799 Biotin-HSR labeled brain samples, 100ng total RNA, technical rep1
GSM743800 Biotin-HSR labeled brain samples, 100ng total RNA, technical rep2
GSM743801 Biotin-HSR labeled brain samples, 200ng total RNA, technical rep1
BioProject PRJNA144079

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GSE30045_RAW.tar 7.3 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)
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