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Series GSE30276 Query DataSets for GSE30276
Status Public on Aug 25, 2011
Title miRNA expression profiles from E18th rat embryonic striatal stem cells under conditioned environments
Platform organism synthetic construct
Sample organism Rattus norvegicus
Experiment type Non-coding RNA profiling by array
Summary Background:
Striatum is the crucial unit in brain involved in higher-level organizational learning, motor control and cognitive finctions. It also produces dopaminergic neurons, which play an important role in the control of multiple brain functions including voluntary movement and a span of neurobehavioral processes such as, mood, reward, addiction, and stress. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) lead to striatum related persistent cognitive dysfunctions. A number of cell based therapies such as; induced pluripotent stem cells (ips), neural stem cells (NSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), have been investigated so far for their potential application in TBI. But the journey from bench-to-bedside has not yet been covered sucessfully. As their survival and long-term maintenance in vivo has been huddle so far. So to understand the fate of embryonic striatal stem cells (ESSCs) in long-term neurogenesis in vitro, we have studied the neurogenic potential of rat embryonic striatal stem cells from E18th day embryos under conditioned microenvironments.
To evaluate the neuro-regenerative potential striatum-derived stem cells, we have employed synergestic effects of certain neurotrophins, such as ; EGF, IGF, FGF and LIF as in four combinations (Control/untreated-A, EGF+FGF-B, EGF+FGF+LIF-C, EGF+FGF+IGF-D and EGF+FGF+ IGF +LIF –E) in the microenvironment .
To decipher the regulatory miRNAs involved in ESSC-derived neurogenesis, we have performed detailed miRNA profiling for ESSCs at passage 3 for groupD and group E derived ESSCs (based on their performance in vitro). Out data has explored cruicial mIRNAs involved in strital neurogenesis .
Overall design Striatum has been shown to control the major part in higher-level organizational aspects of learning in human.
To understand the role of striatum-derived neural progenitors in neural repair, miRNA regulation was trapped for ESSCs under conditioned stimuli.
Among different combinatorial stimuli, group D;(EGF+FGF-2+IGF) and group E; EGF+FGF-2+IGF+LIF) tretaed ESSCs were selected at passage 3 for miRNA analysis experiment.
Contributor(s) Pati S, Muthuraju S, Abdullah JM, Jaafar H
Citation(s) 25254208
Submission date Jun 28, 2011
Last update date Aug 01, 2019
Contact name SOUMYA PATI
Street address KUBANG KERIAN
ZIP/Postal code 16150
Country Malaysia
Platforms (1)
GPL8786 [miRNA-1] Affymetrix Multispecies miRNA-1 Array
Samples (9)
GSM750255 E18th rat embryonic striatal stem cells (untreated)_1
GSM750256 E18th rat embryonic striatal stem cells (untreated)_2
GSM750257 E18th rat embryonic striatal stem cells (untreated)_3
BioProject PRJNA143741

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE30276_Processed_summarized_miRNA_data_E18_embryonic_strital_stem_cells.txt.gz 36.6 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE30276_RAW.tar 1.6 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)
Processed data included within Sample table

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