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Series GSE35666 Query DataSets for GSE35666
Status Public on Jun 19, 2012
Title DSB formation in replication compromised cells
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Experiment type Other
Summary DSBs were mapped genome-wide by ssDNA enrichment in cdc6-mn replication comprimsied strains.
Overall design We mapped DSB sites by detecting DSB-associated ssDNA enrichment on microarrays. To test the role of DNA replication in DSB formation, we mapped ssDNA in a cdc6-mn replication depleted strain. ssDNA was isolated from cells after 5 hours in sporulation medium. As a reference, ssDNA isolated from cells at 0 hrs in sporulation medium prior to DSB formation was differentially labeled and co-hybridized to the same array.
For each experiment, we have submitted biological replicates that were hybridized to separate arrays. For each experiment a dye swap was performed and shown to have no effect on the data observed, although not all experiments in this series include the dye swap sample (we have included only two representative experiments for each strain).
Contributor(s) Blitzblau HG, Chan CS, Hochwagen A, Bell SP
Citation(s) 22615576
Submission date Feb 09, 2012
Last update date Jul 18, 2017
Contact name Stephen P Bell
Phone +1-617-253-2054
Organization name MIT
Department Biology
Street address 68-630, 77 Massachusetts Ave.
City Cambridge
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02139
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL5991 Agilent-015239 Yeast Whole Genome ChIP-on-chip Microarray (G4493A)
Samples (2)
GSM873251 ssDNA in cdc6-mn dmc1 cells replicate 1
GSM873252 ssDNA in cdc6-mn dmc1 cells replicate 2
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE35667 Separation of DNA replication from the assembly of break-competent meiotic chromosomes
BioProject PRJNA155867

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MINiML formatted family file(s) MINiMLHelp
Series Matrix File(s) TXTHelp

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE35666_GPL5991_reps_mean_ProcessedData.txt.gz 749.7 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE35666_RAW.tar 23.6 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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