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Series GSE35905 Query DataSets for GSE35905
Status Public on Feb 18, 2012
Title Gene expression in a wild type strain (FGSC 2489) versus an Dime-2 strain (FGSC 17937) in Neurospora crassa during nitrogen starvation
Organism Neurospora crassa
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary The protein kinase Ime2 is known to have an important role in meiosis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the Neurospora crassa IME2 homolog functions in self/nonself recognition as well as in the development of fungal sexual structures called protoperithecia. In N. crassa, protoperithecia are induced upon nitrogen starvation. We were interested in gene expression differences between an ime-2 deletion strain and a wild type strain, and due to the role of ime-2 during sexual development, carried out these arrays on media that was lacking in nitrogen.
Overall design There is one condition and three samples in this experiment (wild type and Dime-2 strains grown on minimal media lacking nitrogen), and dye swaps were performed
Contributor(s) Hutchison E, Glass NL
Citation(s) 22813893
Submission date Feb 17, 2012
Last update date Jun 25, 2013
Contact name Elizabeth Ann Hutchison
Organization name UC Berkeley
Department Plant & Microbial Biology
Lab N. L. Glass
Street address 111 Koshland Hall
City Berkeley
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94720
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL13956 Glasslab Neurospora crassa 10k V1
Samples (3)
GSM877242 Dime-2 vs WT no nitrogen rep1
GSM877243 WT vs Dime-2 no nitrogen
GSM877244 Dime-2 vs WT no nitrogen rep2
BioProject PRJNA152003

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GSE35905_RAW.tar 3.2 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of GPR)
Processed data included within Sample table

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