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Series GSE3994 Query DataSets for GSE3994
Status Public on Jan 10, 2006
Title Pac1+/+ versus Pac1-/- BMMCs_IgE-DNP 2 h
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Bone marrow-derived mast cells were differentiated over 4-6 weeks using bone marrow from Pac-1+/+ and Pac1-/- littermate mice. Cell purity was 99% c-kit and Fc epsilon receptor positive as assessed by flow cytometry. Cells were stimulated by Fc epsilon receptor crosslinking using IgE-DNP/HSA for sensitization for 18 hours and DNP-HSA antigen for crosslinking for 2 hours. Gene transcript abundance was determined and scaled to 150 using alogorithms in MicroArray Analysis Suite Software 5.0 (Affymetrix).
Keywords: Cpmparison of Pac-1+/+ and Pac-1-/- activated BMMCs
Overall design Two genechips on independent mBMMC cultures was performed. The signal data of the .CEL files for the four Affymetrix 430A chips (2 Pac1+/+ and 2 Pac1–/–) were normalised using the RMA method 49. The ebayes function implemented in the version 1.3.12 of the Limma package (2003) of Bioconductor was used to analyse the data and P-values were adjusted for multiple testing. After conversion from logged values to the original intensities, the data was filtered to remove probe sets with mean, non-logged, intensities below 100. Transcripts with p-values less than 0.05 were considered different from Pac1+/+.
Contributor(s) Jeffrey KL, Mackay CR
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Submission date Jan 06, 2006
Last update date Jan 08, 2019
Contact name Charles Reay Mackay
Phone +61-2-92958405
Fax +61-2-92958404
Organization name Garvan Institute for Medical Research
Street address 384 Victoria St
City Darlinghurst
State/province NSW
ZIP/Postal code 2010
Country Australia
Platforms (1)
GPL339 [MOE430A] Affymetrix Mouse Expression 430A Array
Samples (4)
GSM91238 Wild-type BMMCs_IgE-DNP 2h_rep1
GSM91239 Pac1-/- BMMCs_IgE-DNP 2h_rep1
GSM91240 Wild-type BMMCs_IgE-DNP 2h_rep2
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE4014 Pac1+/+ versus Pac1-/- in macrophages and mast cells
BioProject PRJNA104887

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