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Series GSE41982 Query DataSets for GSE41982
Status Public on Jun 06, 2013
Title Kinetochores coordinate pericentromeric cohesion and early DNA replication by Cdc7-Dbf4 kinase recruitment
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Experiment type Other
Summary Centromeres play several important roles in ensuring proper chromosome segregation. Not only do they promote kinetochore assembly for microtubule attachment, but they also support robust sister chromatid cohesion at pericentromeres and facilitate replication of centromeric DNA early in S phase. However, it is still elusive how centromeres orchestrate all these functions at the same site. Here we show that the budding yeast Dbf4-dependent kinase (DDK) accumulates at kinetochores in telophase, facilitated by the Ctf19 kinetochore complex. This promptly recruits Sld3-Sld7 replication initiator proteins to pericentromeric replication origins so that they initiate replication early in S phase. Furthermore DDK at kinetochores independently recruits the Scc2-Scc4 cohesin loader to centromeres in G1 phase. This enhances cohesin loading and facilitates robust pericentromeric cohesion in S phase. Thus, we have found the central mechanism by which kinetochores orchestrate early S phase DNA replication and robust sister chromatid cohesion at microtubule attachment sites.
Overall design Measurement of genome replication time for various S. cerevisiae strains. For each strain two samples were analysed: a replicating sample (from S phase) and a non-replicating sample (from G2 phase).
Contributor(s) Nieduszynski CA, Natsume T, Müller CA, Retkute R, Araki H, Blow JJ, Tanaka TU, Katou Y, Gierliński M, Shirahige K
Citation(s) 23746350
Submission date Nov 01, 2012
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name Conrad A Nieduszynski
Organization name Earlham Institute
Lab DNA replication & genome stability
Street address Norwich Research Park
City Norwich
ZIP/Postal code NR4 7UZ
Country United Kingdom
Platforms (1)
GPL16234 AB 5500 Genetic Analyzer (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Samples (8)
GSM1029480 T10117_G2
GSM1029481 T10117_S
GSM1029482 T9394_G2
BioProject PRJNA178713
SRA SRP016953

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GSE41982_T10117_normalised.wig.gz 45.1 Kb (ftp)(http) WIG
GSE41982_T10608_normalised.wig.gz 47.3 Kb (ftp)(http) WIG
GSE41982_T9394_normalised.wig.gz 46.6 Kb (ftp)(http) WIG
GSE41982_T9476_normalised.wig.gz 47.2 Kb (ftp)(http) WIG
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