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Series GSE42367 Query DataSets for GSE42367
Status Public on Aug 01, 2016
Title Expression data of young panicles from microspore mother cell to meiosis of rice
Platform organism Oryza sativa
Sample organisms Oryza sativa Indica Group; Oryza sativa Japonica Group
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Male sterility is an important trait in hybrid crop breeding. Thermo-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) lines, which are male-sterile at restrictive (high) temperatures but convert to male-fertile at permissive (low) temperatures, have been widely utilized in two-line hybrid rice breeding. However, the molecular mechanism underlying TGMS remains unclear. Here we show that the rice (Oryza sativa L.) thermo-sensitive genic male sterile gene 5 (tms5) locus, which in 2010 was present in cultivars occupying more than 71% (2.3 million hectares) of two-line hybrid rice-growing land in China, confers the TGMS trait through a loss-of-function mutation of RNase ZS1, resulting in failure to mediate mRNA decay of three temperature-responsive ubiquitin fusion ribosomal protein L40 genes (UbL40) genes. RNase ZS1, a member of the evolutionarily conserved endonuclease, processed tRNAs in vitro, but does not do so in vivo due to its localization in the cytoplasm. Defective RNase ZS1 in tms5 plants leads to over-accumulation of UbL401, UbL402 and UbL404 mRNAs at restrictive but not permissive temperatures. Over-expression of UbL401 and UbL404 in wild-type plants caused male sterility, whereas knockdown of UbL401 and UbL404 in tms5 plants partially restored the male fertility at restrictive temperatures. Our results uncover a novel mechanism of RNase ZS1-mediated UbL40 mRNA decay which controls TGMS in rice and has potential applications not only of rice but also of other crops.
Overall design To address whether RNase ZS1 involves in mRNA metabolism, whole-genome microarray was performed using RNA from young panicles of wild type (AnN and ZH11) and tms5 (AnS-1 and Os02g12290iL1) plants grown at permissive and restrictive temperatures.
Contributor(s) Zhuang C, Zhou H, Liu Y, Zhu L
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Submission date Nov 18, 2012
Last update date Dec 27, 2017
Contact name Hai Zhou
Phone 86-20-85280299
Organization name South China Agricultural University
Department College of Life Sciences
Street address Wushan
City Guangzhou
State/province Guangdong
ZIP/Postal code 510642
Country China
Platforms (1)
GPL2025 [Rice] Affymetrix Rice Genome Array
Samples (8)
GSM1038367 panicles of AnN plants_low temperature
GSM1038368 panicles of AnS-1 plants_low temperature
GSM1038369 panicles of AnN plants_high temperature
BioProject PRJNA181190

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GSE42367_RAW.tar 37.1 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)
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