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Series GSE42988 Query DataSets for GSE42988
Status Public on Jun 01, 2013
Title Red algae Gracilaria tenuistipitata: control vs. high copper and high cadmium concentration
Organism Gracilaria tenuistipitata
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary The study of macroalgae capacity to acclimate and recover in environments contaminated with Cu and Cd could prove a promising way to understand the tolerance mechanisms of these seaweeds against different pollutants. This study used as a model organism Gracilaria tenuistipitata (Rhodophyta), a macroalga with economic and ecological importance. The partial transcriptome of G. tenuistipitata was profiled using cDNA microarrays in the sixth day of exposition to EC50 metals. Genes involved in Cu and Cd chronic stress belonging to various functional categories suffered shallow modifications. This possibly indicates that G. tenuistipitata would be in the acclimatization process. In addition, the expression of nine stress genes accompanied by analysis of the photosynthetic rate of seaweed to both metals in three different time frames was analyzed. Genetic variation linked to the mechanism of resistance of the algae, determined from EC50 culture conditions established for two metals, occurred in the early hours of treatment. It was found that G. tenuistipitata was able to accumulate these two metals and to resist and acclimate to the negative effects produced by these elements. The temporal analysis from the nine specific genes showed some specific transcriptional responses of the G. tenuistipitata, exposed to Cu and Cd.
Overall design Three-condition experiment, control cells cultivated in seawater enriched with von Stosch solution vs. copper and cadmium (indepedent) treated cells. Biological replicates: 4 control, 2 copper treated, 2 cadmium treated. All independently grown and harvested. Four replicates per array.
Contributor(s) Zaini PA, Tonon AP, Colepicolo P
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Submission date Dec 18, 2012
Last update date Jun 02, 2013
Contact name Paulo A. Zaini
Organization name Universidade de São Paulo
Department Bioquímica
Lab Biologia Molecular de Microorganismos
Street address Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Butantã
City São Paulo
State/province São Paulo
ZIP/Postal code 05508-900
Country Brazil
Platforms (1)
GPL16391 IQ-USP Gracilaria tenuistipitata 4.6K v1.0
Samples (16)
GSM1054546 Control vs. copper-treated cells rep1
GSM1054547 Control vs. copper-treated cells rep2
GSM1054548 Control vs. copper-treated cells rep3
BioProject PRJNA184023

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GSE42988_RAW.tar 1.2 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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