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Series GSE46971 Query DataSets for GSE46971
Status Public on Jul 22, 2013
Title IkB-like protein NFKBIZ regulates NF-kB signaling and is critical for survival of ABC DLBCL (NFKBIZ inhibition)
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Constitutive activation of the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) pathway is a hallmark of the activated B-cell-like (ABC) subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Recurrent mutations of NF-kB regulators that cause constitutive activity of this oncogenic pathway have been identified. However, it remains unclear how specific target genes are regulated. We identified the IkB-like protein NFKBIZ that binds NF-kB subunits and enhances transactivation of some NF-kB target genes while repressing others, to be upregulated in ACB compared to GCB DLBCL primary patient samples (p=5.1 x 10^-37). Knockdown of NFKBIZ by RNA interference was toxic to ABC but not GCB DLBCL cell lines. Gene expression profiling following NFKBIZ knockdown significantly downregulated a large number of NF-kB target genes, suggesting a central role in regulating NF-kB signaling. To further investigate the molecular mechanisms of how NFKBIZ mediates NF-kB signaling in ABC DLBCL, we performed immunoprecipitations and detected an interaction of NFKBIZ with both p50 and p52 NF-kB subunits, indicating that both the canonical and non-canonical NF-kB pathways are regulated by NFKBIZ. Collectively, our data imply that NFKBIZ is required for NF-kB signaling in ABC DLBCL and thus might represent a promising molecular target for future therapies.

The complete dataset is comprised of three experiments with the male HBL-1 ABC DLBCL cell line: a) 8 paired GEP measurements after NFKBIZ inhibition by shRNA, b) 6 paired GEP measurements after applying the MLN inhibitor and c) 4 two-color measurements after applying a MALT inhibitor.
Overall design This dataset includes 8 paired GEP measurements after NFKBIZ inhibition by shRNA.
Contributor(s) Lenz G
Citation(s) 23869088
Submission date May 15, 2013
Last update date Aug 13, 2018
Contact name Michael Grau
Organization name University of Münster
Department Faculty of Medicine
Lab Translational Oncology
Street address Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1
City Münster
State/province Nordrhein-Westfalen
ZIP/Postal code 48149
Country Germany
Platforms (1)
GPL10558 Illumina HumanHT-12 V4.0 expression beadchip
Samples (16)
GSM1142305 HBL-1 NFKBIZshRNA+Dox24h R1
GSM1142306 HBL-1 NFKBIZshRNA+Dox24h R2
GSM1142307 HBL-1 NFKBIZshRNA+Dox48h R1
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE46974 IkB-like protein NFKBIZ regulates NF-kB signaling and is critical for survival of ABC DLBCL
BioProject PRJNA203204

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GSE46971_RAW.tar 209.8 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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