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Series GSE48976 Query DataSets for GSE48976
Status Public on Jul 22, 2014
Title Cynomolgus macaque model of H7N9 influenza infection
Platform organism Macaca mulatta
Sample organism Macaca fascicularis
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary The objective of this study is to characterize the response to newly emerged, highly pathogenic H7N9 influenza virus isolated from human patients in 2013 in China. This study examines the pathogenesis of H7N9 influenza in cynomolgus macaques. The study compares lung lesions to adjacent right lower lobe lung tissue in animals necropsied at days 3 and 6 post-infection (n=4 animals/timepoint).  3-4 lesions from each animal were collected and equal amounts of pooled RNA from lesions from individual animals at each time point were used for microarray.
Overall design 8 cynomolgus macaques were infected via oral, intraocular, intranasal, and intratracheal administration of a combined total of 7x10^6 TCID50. Lungs, lung lesions, and trachea samples were collected from serial sacrifices of 4 animals each at day 3 and day 6. Infection produced a moderate-severe, self-limiting respiratory infection, and was not lethal. We performed microarray analysis (using Agilent Rhesus arrays) on all lungs, lung lesions, and trachea collected for the study.
Contributor(s) Rasmussen A, Katze M, Okumura A, de Wit E, Feldmann H, Munster V
Citation(s) 25118237
Submission date Jul 17, 2013
Last update date Sep 08, 2014
Contact name Michael Katze
Organization name University of Washington
Department Microbiology
Lab Michael G. Katze, Ph.D
Street address Rosen Building 960 Republican St.
City Seattle
State/province WA
ZIP/Postal code 98109-4325
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL17465 Agilent-048534 Rhesus 60k version of 44k 026806 [Probe Name version]
Samples (24)
GSM1190990 NHP7_Anhui01_LL3_d6_3
GSM1190991 NHP5_Anhui01_Trachea_d6_1
GSM1190992 NHP3_Anhui01_RLL_d3_3
BioProject PRJNA212504

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GSE48976_RAW.tar 283.9 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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