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Series GSE49069 Query DataSets for GSE49069
Status Public on Jul 22, 2013
Title The role of Dichaete in transcriptional regulation of Drosophila embryogenesis
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Dichaete is a developmentally important transcription factor, known to be involved in basic biological processes including segmentation and nervous system development among others. The aim of this experiment was to gain further insight into the role of Dichaete during early embryogenesis, by looking at the disruption of gene expression in Dichaete mutants.
Overall design Stage 10-11 embryos (5 and 7.5 hours after egg laying) from a cross between Dr72/TM3, twi-GAL4 UAS-Gfp Dr513/TM3, twi-GAL4 UAS-Gfp, were hand picked under a fluorescence dissecting microscope. GFP negative homozygous Dichaete mutant embryos and their heterozygous single GFP positive siblings were collected and approximately 150 embryos per sample were stored frozen in Trizol
Contributor(s) Aleksic J, Fischer B, Russell S
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Submission date Jul 22, 2013
Last update date Dec 10, 2013
Contact name Steve Russell
Organization name University of Cambridge
Department Genetics
Street address Tennis Court Road
City Cambridge
ZIP/Postal code CB2 3EH
Country United Kingdom
Platforms (1)
GPL14121 FL003 - INDAC Drosophila melanogaster 14.5K long oligo array (FlyBase r.5.39)
Samples (4)
GSM1193278 D homozygous mutant vs heterozygous control rep 1
GSM1193279 D homozygous mutant vs heterozygous control rep 2
GSM1193280 D homozygous mutant vs heterozygous control rep 3
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE49095 The role of Dichaete in transcriptional regulation during Drosophila embryonic development
BioProject PRJNA212993

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GSE49069_RAW.tar 2.2 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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