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Series GSE4939 Query DataSets for GSE4939
Status Public on Jun 01, 2006
Title Cotton promoter discovery
Organism Gossypium hirsutum
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Genomic approaches to the discovery of promoters for sustained expression in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under field conditions: expression analysis in transgenic cotton and Arabidopsis of a Rubisco small subunit promoter identified using EST sequence analysis and cDNA microarrays.
Keywords: Promoter Discovery
Overall design RNAs from 8-week old plants were compared to RNAs from 10-, 14-, 20- and 22-week old plants on separate arrays each with a dye swap. The 20 and 22 weeks hybridisations each had a biological replicate (each with a dye swap) as well as a second independent hybridisation (with dye swap) with one of the 22 week RNAs. One of the 22-week slides was of low quality and had to be discarded.
Contributor(s) Amarasinghe R, Llewellyn DJ
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Submission date May 30, 2006
Last update date Sep 26, 2014
Contact name Andrew Spriggs
Phone 612-6246-5193
Organization name CSIRO Plant Industry
Department Bioinformatics Group
Street address GPO Box 1600
City Canberra
State/province ACT
ZIP/Postal code 2601
Country Australia
Platforms (1)
GPL3823 Cotton LSL Array
Samples (13)
GSM111273 8weeks v 22weeks, LSL01Bscan1.gpr
GSM111274 8weeks v 22weeks, LSL06Ascan1.gpr
GSM111275 8weeks v 22weeks, LSL06Bscan1.gpr
BioProject PRJNA95895

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