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Series GSE5548 Query DataSets for GSE5548
Status Public on Aug 08, 2007
Title Global, comparative analysis of tissue-specific promoter CpG methylation.
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Methylation profiling by genome tiling array
Summary Understanding cell-type-specific epigenetic codes on a global level is a major challenge after the sequencing of the human genome has been completed. Here we applied methyl-CpG immunoprecipitation (MCIp) to obtain comparative methylation profiles of coding and noncoding genes in three human tissues, testis, brain, and monocytes. Forty-four mainly testis-specific promoters were independently validated using bisulfite sequencing or single-gene MCIp, confirming the results obtained by the MCIp microarray approach. We demonstrate the previously unknown somatic hypermethylation at many CpG-rich, testis-specific gene promoters, in particular in ampliconic areas of the Y chromosome. We also identify a number of miRNA genes showing tissue-specific methylation patterns. The comparison of the obtained tissue methylation profiles with corresponding gene expression data indicates a significant association between tissue-specific promoter methylation and gene expression, not only in CpG-rich promoters. In summary, our study highlights the exceptional epigenetic status of germ-line cells in testis and provides a global insight into tissue-specific DNA methylation patterns.
Keywords: MCIp-on-Chip
Overall design The promoter hypomethylation profiles of the two somatic tissues (monocytes and brain) were compared to human testis (reference). The set includes two hybridisations with independent testis samples for each comparison. Each comparison uses a set of two microarrays.
Contributor(s) Schilling E, Rehli M
Citation(s) 17582736
Submission date Aug 16, 2006
Last update date Mar 16, 2012
Contact name Michael Rehli
Organization name University Hospital Regensburg
Department Internal Med III
Street address F.-J.-Strauss-Allee 11
City Regensburg
ZIP/Postal code 93042
Country Germany
Platforms (2)
GPL4089 Agilent-013902 Human Proximal Promoter ChIP-on-Chip Set, Microarray 1 of 2 G4481A
GPL4090 Agilent-013903 Human Proximal Promoter ChIP-on-Chip Set, Microarray 2 of 2 G4481A
Samples (8)
GSM128950 Differential methylation profile of monocyte vs testis, array2, repl.1
GSM128951 Differential methylation profile of monocyte vs testis, array2, repl.2
GSM128952 Differential methylation profile of monocyte vs testis, array1, repl.1
BioProject PRJNA96041

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE5548_RAW.tar 304.2 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TIFF, TXT)
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