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Series GSE70328 Query DataSets for GSE70328
Status Public on Jun 27, 2015
Title caArray_kuppe-00390: Broad: Lesional gene expression profiling in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma reveals natural clusters associated with disease outcome
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is defined by infiltration of activated and malignant T cells in the skin. The clinical manifestations and prognosis in CTCL are highly variable. In this study, we hypothesized that gene expression analysis in lesional skin biopsies can improve understanding of the disease and its management. Based on 63 skin samples, we performed consensus clustering, revealing 3 patient clusters. Of these, 2 clusters tended to differentiate limited CTCL (stages IA and IB) from more extensive CTCL (stages IB and III). Stage IB patients appeared in both clusters, but those in the limited CTCL cluster were more responsive to treatment than those in the more extensive CTCL cluster. The third cluster was enriched in lymphocyte activation genes and was associated with a high proportion of tumor (stage IIB) lesions. Survival analysis revealed significant differences in event-free survival between clusters, with poorest survival seen in the activated lymphocyte cluster. Using supervised analysis, we further characterized genes significantly associated with lower-stage/treatment-responsive CTCL versus higher-stage/treatment-resistant CTCL. We conclude that transcriptional profiling of CTCL skin lesions reveals clinically relevant signatures, correlating with differences in survival and response to treatment. Additional prospective long-term studies to validate and refine these findings appear warranted.
Overall design kuppe-00390
Assay Type: Gene Expression
Provider: Affymetrix
Array Designs: U133AAofAv2
Organism: Homo sapiens (ncbitax)
Tissue Sites: Skin
Material Types: total RNA, synthetic_RNA, organism_part, whole_organism
Disease States: Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Citation(s) 17638852
Submission date Jun 26, 2015
Last update date Oct 22, 2017
Contact name Mervi Heiskanen
Phone 2402765175
Organization name NCI
Department CBIIT
Street address 9609 Medical Center Drive, 1W378
City Rockville
State/province MD
ZIP/Postal code 20850
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL4685 [U133AAofAv2] Affymetrix GeneChip HT-HG_U133A Early Access Array
Samples (63)
GSM1724004 kuppe-00390: M1
GSM1724005 kuppe-00390: M2
GSM1724006 kuppe-00390: M5-1
BioProject PRJNA288320

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GSE70328_RAW.tar 172.5 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)
GSE70328_caArray_kuppe-00390.tar.gz 6.0 Kb (ftp)(http) TAR
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