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Series GSE71857 Query DataSets for GSE71857
Status Public on Aug 06, 2016
Title Identification of the PhoB regulon and role of PhoU in the phosphate-starvation response of Caulobacter crescentus (expression)
Organism Caulobacter vibrioides NA1000
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary An ability to sense and respond to changes in extracellular phosphate is critical to the survival of most bacteria. For Caulobacter crescentus, which typically lives in phosphate-limited environments, this process is especially crucial. Like many bacteria, Caulobacter responds to phosphate limitation through a conserved two-component signaling pathway called PhoR-PhoB, but the direct regulon of PhoB in this organism is unknown. Here, we use ChIP-Seq to map the global binding patterns of the phosphate-responsive transcriptional regulator PhoB in both phosphate-limited and -replete conditions. Combined with genome-wide expression profiling, our work demonstrates that PhoB is induced to regulate nearly 50 genes in phosphate-starved conditions. The PhoB regulon is comprised primarily of genes known or predicted to help Caulobacter scavenge for and import inorganic phosphate, including 15 different membrane transporters. We also investigated the regulatory role of PhoU, a widely conserved protein proposed to coordinate phosphate import with expression of the PhoB regulon by directly modulating the histidine kinase PhoR. However, our studies show that it likely does not play such a role in Caulobacter as depleting PhoU has no significant effect on PhoB-dependent gene expression. Instead, cells lacking PhoU exhibit a striking accumulation of large polyphosphate granules suggesting that PhoU participates in controlling intracellular phosphate metabolism.
Overall design RNA was collected from cultures grown to mid-exponential phase in rich medium (PYE) at 30 degrees C. The strain grown in the presence of 50 mM vanillate was compared to the same strain grown in the absence of vanillate.
Contributor(s) Laub MT, Lubin EA
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Submission date Aug 07, 2015
Last update date Aug 08, 2016
Contact name Michael Laub
Organization name MIT
Street address 31 Ames St
City Cambridge
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02142
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL15487 Agilent-032577 Custom Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 15k array
Samples (10)
GSM1846939 ΔphoU;Pvan-phoU -vanillate/+vanillate 2 hours depletion rep 1
GSM1846940 ΔphoU;Pvan-phoU -vanillate/+vanillate 2 hours depletion rep 2
GSM1846941 ΔphoU;Pvan-phoU -vanillate/+vanillate 5 hours depletion rep 1
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE71961 Identification of the PhoB regulon and role of PhoU in the phosphate-starvation response of Caulobacter crescentus
BioProject PRJNA292434

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GSE71857_RAW.tar 35.8 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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