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Series GSE73366 Query DataSets for GSE73366
Status Public on Sep 23, 2015
Title RNA IP Seq analysis of Cnot7 in 4T1 mammary tumor cells
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Native RNA immunoprecipitation of Cnot7-bound transcripts. Abstract: Accumulating evidence supports the role of an aberrant transcriptome as a driver of tumor cell metastatic potential. Deadenylation is a general regulatory node for post-transcriptional control by microRNAs and other determinants of RNA stability. We show here that CCR4-NOT subunit CNOT7 is a deadenylase-dependent driver of tumor cell autonomous metastatic potential. Metastasis promotion by CNOT7 is dependent on contact with CNOT1 and TOB1. We further show TOB1 independently drives metastasis. RNA-immunoprecipitation and integrated transcriptome wide analyses reveal that CNOT7-regulated transcripts are enriched for a tripartite 3’UTR motif bound by RNA-binding proteins known to complex with CNOT7, TOB1, and CNOT1. Collectively, our data support a model of CNOT7, TOB1, CNOT1, and RNA-binding proteins collectively exerting post-transcriptional control on a metastasis suppressive transcriptional program to drive tumor cell metastasis.
Overall design 48 total samples, 4-5 biological replicates, two forms of control: input samples and vector controls
Contributor(s) Faraji F, Hu Y, Winkler GS, Hafner M, Hunter KW
Citation(s) 26807845
Submission date Sep 23, 2015
Last update date Jul 26, 2019
Contact name Ying Hu
Phone 240 276 5273
Organization name NIH
Department NCI/CCR
Street address 9609 Medical Center Dr.
City Rockville
State/province MD
ZIP/Postal code 20850
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL17021 Illumina HiSeq 2500 (Mus musculus)
Samples (48)
GSM1891856 4T1 Cnot7 - sample 10 - input
GSM1891857 4T1 Cnot7 - sample 10 - RIP
GSM1891858 4T1 Cnot7 - sample 6 - input
BioProject PRJNA296804
SRA SRP064126

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GSE73366_NCI_CCR_LCBG_Dr_Kent_Hunter_2015_09_20_RIP_seq.txt.gz 726.7 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
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