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Series GSE76645 Query DataSets for GSE76645
Status Public on Jul 14, 2016
Title Small Traditional Human Communities Sustain Genomic Diversity Over Microgeographic Scales Despite Linguistic Isolation
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Genome variation profiling by SNP array
SNP genotyping by SNP array
Summary Illumina single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array data were generated to study genome-wide patterns of genomic variation on Sumba and Timor, two small islands in eastern Indonesia. Both islands have a complex history from their initial settlement ~50,000 years ago, to admixture with Austronesian-speaking groups during the Neolithic farming expansion, and more recent intra-island gene flow and community interactions. As part of this detailed microgeographic study, we also collected associated cultural and linguistic information. The primary study location was Sumba, for which we genotyped SNPs in 235 individuals from eight communities that span the island, including groups that speak most of Sumba’s nine languages. Particular attention was paid to genomic data that are informative for recent aspects of population history, including reconstructions of past gene flow, socio-genetic interactions and possible signals of selection.
Overall design 240 samples from 10 populations have been genotyped using the Illumina platform GPL19699
Contributor(s) Lansing JS, Cox MP, Sudoyo H, Karafet TM, Savina OV
Citation(s) 27274003
Submission date Jan 07, 2016
Last update date Jul 14, 2016
Contact name Tatiana M. Karafet
Phone 520-626-0404
Organization name University of Arizona
Department ARL
Lab Michael Hammer's Research Group
Street address BSW #246, 1041 E Lowell Str.
City Tucson
State/province AZ
ZIP/Postal code 85721
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL19699 HumanOmniExpress-24 v1.0 BeadChip
Samples (240)
GSM2029605 Anakalang01 [GRC14300065]
GSM2029606 Anakalang04 [GRC14300066]
GSM2029607 Anakalang05 [GRC14300067]
BioProject PRJNA308227

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE76645_INDONESIA_SUMBA_TIMOR.bed.gz 17.0 Mb (ftp)(http) BED
GSE76645_INDONESIA_SUMBA_TIMOR.bim.gz 6.0 Mb (ftp)(http) BIM
GSE76645_INDONESIA_SUMBA_TIMOR.fam.gz 1.0 Kb (ftp)(http) FAM
GSE76645_RAW.tar 2.3 Gb (http)(custom) TAR (of IDAT)
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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