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Series GSE84225 Query DataSets for GSE84225
Status Public on Aug 25, 2017
Title Gene expression profiles of in vitro induced Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in mice
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Platelets are a rich source of many cytokines and chemokines including transforming growth factor β-1 (TGFβ1). TGFβ1 is required to convert conventional CD4+ T (Tconv) cells into induced regulatory T (iTreg) cells that express the transcription factor Foxp3. To explore whether other platelet contents will affect the properties of TGFβ induced Treg cell, we used platelet lysate that contain many other cytokines and chemokines besides TGFβ1 (pltTGFβ) to induce Foxp3 expression (pltTGFb-iTreg) from conventional CD4+ T (Tconv) cells. We used purified TGFβ1 to induce Treg (purTGFβ-iTreg) cells as a control. Gene expression profiles in iTreg cells were analyzed by microarray asay.
Overall design RNA was purified from pltTGFβ-iTreg, purTGFβ-iTreg, and Tconv cells. cDNA was labeled and hybridized to the Mouse Genome 430 2.0 GeneChip. Three biological replicates were performed and the results were averaged. Image data were analyzed with Affymetrix Expression Console™ software and normalized with Robust Multichip Analysis (RMA; to determine signal log ratios. Probe sets that exhibited a 1.4-fold difference (|log2 ratio| > 0.5) relative to Tconv cells were identified and those that possessed a false discovery rate of <10% were used in subsequent analyses. The statistical significance of differential gene expression was determined through ANalysis Of VAriation (ANOVA) and false discovery rates (FDR) using Partek Genomics Suite 6.6. Hierarchical clustering was conducted with Genesis6. Pathway analysis was performed with the Database for Annotation, Visualization, and Integrated Discovery.
Contributor(s) Haribhai D, Luo X, Chen J, Jia S, Shi L, Schroeder JA, Weilar H, Aster RH, Hessner MJ, Hu J, Wiliams CB, Shi Q
Citation(s) 28164173
Submission date Jul 11, 2016
Last update date Feb 11, 2019
Contact name Martin Hessner
Organization name Medical College of Wisconsin
Department Pediatrics
Lab Max McGee National Research Center for Juvenile Diabetes
Street address 8701 Watertown Plank Road
City Milwaukee
State/province WI
ZIP/Postal code 53226
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL1261 [Mouse430_2] Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array
Samples (9)
GSM2229627 Tconv, replicate 1
GSM2229628 Tconv, replicate 2
GSM2229629 Tconv, replicate 3
BioProject PRJNA328428

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GSE84225_RAW.tar 30.1 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)
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