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Series GSE87168 Query DataSets for GSE87168
Status Public on Mar 07, 2017
Title Global transcriptional response in Japanese medaka larvae following embryonic exposure to TCDD
Organism Oryzias latipes
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary A global RNA-Seq analysis was conducted using RNA isolated from the axial region of DMSO- and 0.3 nM TCDD-exposed medaka to identify targets within the osteochondral pathway potentially impacted by TCDD exposure. In total, 597 genes were significantly up- or down-regulated (q<0.05) and were associated with select pathological states including inflammatory disease, connective tissue disorders, and skeletal and muscular disorders.
Overall design RNA was isolated from axial tissue (containing vertebrae and surrounding muscle, fat, and dermis) from Japanese medaka larvae. Whole transcriptome libraries from DMSO and TCDD-medaka were generated for downstream RNA-Seq using the Ion Torrent PGM platform.
Contributor(s) Watson A, Kullman S
Citation(s) 28077779
Submission date Sep 21, 2016
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name AtLee Watson
Organization name North Carolina State University
Street address Campus Box 7633
City Raleigh
State/province North Carolina
ZIP/Postal code 27695
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL22469 Ion Torrent PGM (Oryzias latipes)
Samples (6)
GSM2323828 dmso1_20dpf
GSM2323829 dmso2_20dpf
GSM2323830 dmso3_20dpf
BioProject PRJNA343774
SRA SRP090229

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GSE87168_Watson_et_al_TOXSCI-16-0457_Diff_Gen_Exp.csv.gz 693.5 Kb (ftp)(http) CSV
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