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Sample GSM1015337 Query DataSets for GSM1015337
Status Public on Oct 04, 2012
Title KC167 PE CNV Replicate 2 extraction2_seq1 aliquote 1
Sample type SRA
Source name KC_PE_CNV_2
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Characteristics cell line: Kc167
tissue: embryo-derived cell-line
developmental stage: late embryonic stage
genotype: se/e
Sex: Female
Growth protocol The general growth protocol for growing Drosophila cell lines in culture.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol DNA isolation from Drosophila cell lines. RNAse-treated cellular extract is treated with ethanol in order to precipitate DNA.
Generation of a genomic library suitable for Illumina sequencing.Generation of a genomic library suitable for Illumina sequencing. The procedure starts with random shearing of genomic DNA with sonication followed by Illumina-developed sample preparation protocol.
Library strategy WGS
Library source genomic
Library selection RANDOM
Instrument model Illumina HiSeq 2000
Data processing Illumina HS Paired End:DM:1 protocol. Load sample onto flow cell at a (usually ~24 pM, variable) concentration and run on an HiSeq2000 with the paired-end module. Image data is then deconvoluted using the most current versions of Firecrest, Bustard, and Gerald. Processed data are obtained using following parameters: read length is 50 Bowtie alignment:DM:1 protocol. For paired end CNV:Using the default setting, Bowtie2 was used to align paired sequenced reads to the reference genome. Single end HiSeq RepliSeq:Bowtie was used to align sequenced reads to the reference genome, with the following parameters:--phred33-quals -p 6 -n 2 -l 20 -m 1 -k 1 -S -y --best --strata Processed data are obtained using following parameters: genome version is 5.1 CNV Paired End Analysis:DM:1 protocol. Read pairs deemed by Bowtie2 to be concordantly aligned, containing those that contain a positive insert length, were used to determine the genomic coverage at each base. The coverage between replicates were summed, and RPKM was then determined in 1000 bp non-overlapping windows.
Submission date Oct 04, 2012
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name DCC modENCODE
Phone 416-673-8579
Organization name Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Street address MaRS Centre, South Tower, 101 College Street, Suite 800
City Toronto
State/province Ontario
ZIP/Postal code M5G 0A3
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL13304
Series (1)
GSE41346 Paired End CNV Kc 167
SRA SRX193621
BioSample SAMN01761204

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